Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [verb] [to-vb] up [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , together with several colleagues , I was endeavouring to set up an informal meeting with ministers to try and discuss this matter er when the haemophiliac 's representative decided to go to law for their own good reasons , because that made it more difficult for any negotiations to take place .
2 ‘ Because , ’ said Riley through gritted teeth , ‘ I was told to keep up the pressure on him . ’
3 I was going to phone up the A T S tyre people just to find out
4 I told Mum I was going to make up a quarrel with Shirnette .
5 He jetted out in his role as President of the Council of European Farm Ministers to join EC Agriculture Commission Ray MacSharry and US Agricultural Secretary Edward Madigan who were trying to button up a deal before the transition of the US Presidency .
6 A gang of youths threw stones and missiles at officers who were trying to break up the display .
7 In Merrill Lynch 's 1984 Study , 88 per cent of the 243 of ‘ The Times Top 1000 companies ’ interviewed did take some steps to aid new staff who were moving to take up an appointment .
8 Erm Richard you were trying to break up a big lump of snow yesterday were n't you ?
9 And if you were an important enough visitor , you were allowed to come up the privy stair and straight into the great chamber .
10 Having come to terms with the failure of her marriage , she was trying to pick up the broken bits of her pride , glue them together , and get on with her life .
11 She was trying to chat up the boy who was serving .
12 She was left to bring up a family she had to go the banks for money the banks were all and they refused her money to keep the farm going .
13 Maisie Williams was thrilled when she was told to turn up the following week :
14 But the funding fell through , and she was told to give up the project .
15 He looked around the shop for Emmanuel , who was trying to pick up an elderly man in a smart business suit .
16 A BUS manager who was forced to give up a rural route said yesterday she was fed up with the whole business .
17 Our intention was to fly low level VFR into French airspace , climb onto airways VFR , then , as we were expecting to catch up a cold front around Limoges , refile IFR and continue to our destination expecting an IFR approach with a reported cloud base of 600 to 800 ft .
18 So we were going to make up a sport to see what he said , and in Spain they play a game called callots .
19 I said we was sent to set up the seating and the pulpit . ’
20 ‘ Maybe they were trying to put up a smoke-screen .
21 They would be in favour of it if it could be worked out in a practical form : but it did not mean they were going to give up the freedom of the seas .
22 Tessa could hear him breathing on the threshold outside for several minutes more , as if he were trying to summon up the courage to return and say something .
23 He must certainly see about spectacles ; it would be worse than anything if he were compelled to give up the reader 's position with Mr Lamprey .
24 A unanimous March 1990 decision to return the headquarters of the League from Tunis to Cairo [ see p. 37334 ] led , however , to a serious dispute in September when it was decided to speed up the transfer , which was largely completed by the end of October [ see p. 37726 ] .
25 A proposal by the BAPU parliamentary group to repeal Paragraph 1 , defining Bulgaria as a " People 's Republic " and as " a socialist state of the working people from town and country , headed by a working class " , was rejected on procedural grounds after a heated debate , but it was decided to set up a working group of government and opposition representatives to examine this and other possible constitutional amendments , with a view to submitting proposals to a forthcoming National Assembly session .
26 It was decided to set up the PMIS as part of an " on-line " system ( directly connected to the computer ) using a computer terminal for input and output .
27 Nonetheless , it was decided to make up the numbers with category B and C refugees .
28 At a conference of Salvadorean women 's organizations , it was agreed to set up a Constitutive Committee with a view to creating a Federation of Salvadorean Women .
29 In 1961 , after two leaders ' summits in Paris ( February ) and Bad Godesberg ( July ) , it was agreed to set up a study committee under France 's Christian Fouchet to explore future political unity .
30 Under this Resolution , it was agreed to set up a Committee on Cultural Affairs , and that the Commission should implement actions decided on by the Council that were to be implemented at Community level .
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