Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [verb] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 I was looking for the same thing yesterday !
2 I was listening to the same genial , slow voice with which the American gentleman had charmed many since his arrival and yet it now contained something unmistakably covert .
3 ‘ So obviously I was thinking along the same lines as him .
4 A twist to his lips , he added , ‘ I was thinking along the same lines myself when my father pre-empted me . ’
5 Now this — Ruth Cohen and her stolen file , and I was filled with the same strange , tingling excitement .
6 I make this point after returning from a day 's walking near Ullswater when I was approached by a party of walkers who had followed me for some distance thinking that I was headed for the same destination .
7 I was tarred with the same brush , to a certain extent .
8 So if I saw the mountain , outlined by the rising sun at dawn , I could say to myself that though it was Saturday morning here what I was witnessing at the same moment was dawn on Friday , the day before .
9 His hands , which were apprenticed to the same mystery , arched and spread their fingers before him in air , involuntarily reproducing the tension and precision of the vaulting .
10 In this study , this was achieved by examining the estimated kilometre square populations together with those which were reported for the same areal units in the 1971 Census of Population .
11 In the first process coal and iron ore , which were mined from the same rocks , were fed into small blast-furnaces to produce bars of pig iron .
12 The Wimbledon defender will also request a cut in a six-month playing ban , suspended for three years , which was imposed at the same time .
13 Whereas in much of eastern Europe , which was moving in the same direction , enserfment seems to have been the response of a very powerful nobility to a labour shortage ( made more acute in areas responding to the growing Western market for grain ) , in Russia the State clearly played a greater role .
14 to which I referred was an overestimate compared to the figure that I suggested , which was based on the same information .
15 The situations envisaged by that subsection seem to me well illustrated by Bank of England v. Riley [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 840 , which was dealing with the same words in another section of the same Act .
16 One patient also had a distal gastric cancer which was resected at the same time as the colonic primary .
17 He had begun in 1833 to work also on 10 plates for Gould 's Monograph of Toucans , a single volume of 34 plates on a single species similar to Lear 's own original Parrot publication , and which was to finish in the same year , 1835 , as the Birds of Europe .
18 Within this poem he clearly attempts to square on the one hand the darker representations of his sleep with his pansocratic visions , on the other hand , Pains of Sleep which was published at the same time as Kubla Khan illuminates the ancestral voices prophesying war .
19 The top priorities of his programme , which was endorsed on the same day , were stabilization of the domestic market , cuts in exports to COMECON ( Council of Mutual Economic Assistance , or CMEA ) partners , curbing the increase in hard-currency foreign debt , an active social policy , and measures to solve the worst environmental problems .
20 But they also dislike those who were born into the same station in life , or further down , and who have n't risen as far as they have .
21 The search for the inspirational sources of Jack Nicholson the artist , and Jack Nicholson the man , takes us on a far more diverse journey than some of his contemporaries , like Robert Redford , Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman , who were born in the same year — 1937 .
22 Of the carers in the 1985 GHS who were living in the same household as the person receiving care , 51 per cent of women reported spending at least fifty hours a week giving help compared with only 39 per cent of men .
23 This sort of pressure , combined with fear of the Spaniards , made it easier for the English to work with the French who were settling in the same region of islands than earlier or later generations would have thought possible .
24 There was my elder half-brother Trevor and my two older sisters Lisa and Lorraine and me , and there were also three cousins who were left in the same way .
25 And there 'd been quite a number there , obviously in that burns unit , who were suffering from the same type of er injury .
26 Particularly if you were born on the same day as this other girl in the hospital . ’
27 You and your Spouse could be covered from as little as £7.90 per month — and you could both claim Double Benefits of £80 each if you were hospitalised at the same time because of illness — and Double again if you were hospitalised simultaneously following an accident .
28 Liz was asked to imagine how she would respond if she was faced with the same problems again .
29 Whenever Joanne completed a task requested by one or other parent without complaint she was rewarded from the same reward ‘ menu ’ .
30 Leila had not been at all pleased to find she was living under the same roof as Zambia Crevecoeur .
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