Example sentences of "[pron] [is] in the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , this does not preclude the firm from returning cash equivalent where the collateral matures ; ( 3 ) If the firm wishes to use the customer 's collateral to support its own ( or another person 's ) obligations : ( 4 ) If the firm holds or intends to hold client money with an approved bank which is in the same group as the firm .
2 I can report back from Jenny and she 's in the same position .
3 She 's in the same ward me Grandad was in. — Come on , I 'll show you the way . ’
4 I suppose what it really amounts to , it 's probably someone who 's in the same line of business and they 're trying to get the best way are n't they ?
5 If you can find someone like yourself who is in the same position then this can be an ideal arrangement .
6 Matthew has settled well into school and has a Christian friend who is in the same group in class .
7 In the airs they compose the French always look for what is sweet , easy and flowing , and for what follows on readily ; everything is in the same key , or if they change it sometimes , they do it with preparations and softenings which render the air as natural and as continuous as if there were no change at all …
8 I said I mean all right I mean everybody 's in the same bus .
9 One is where you shut a works and everybody 's in the same boat .
10 Oh yes , I can understand that , but it 's in the same way as
11 It 's in the same road as the Butlers , ’ said his Dad .
12 For example , you know , you could frighten a child into I mean this is not an , an analogy Freud uses , this is one I thought of , but it 's in the same spirit as his argument .
13 It 's in the same group as a serious disease of human beings called Russian spring-summer fever , whose outbreaks actually correlate with the arrival of migrant birds from further south .
14 Intellectual : There is some evidence for " state-dependent learning " which results in the brain being best able to recall factual information and practical skills when it is in the same state as when that information was first learnt or skill first practised .
15 It is in the same field as the star 41 Capricorni ( 5.5 ) and is close to the limit of visibility with binoculars ; I have never seen it clearly without a telescope .
16 Delta is of type K , and with × 7 or higher magnification is very clearly orange ; it is in the same field as Pi ( 4.4 ) which is a red star of class M. Epsilon ( 3.7 ) is one of the very closest stars , at 10.7 light-years .
17 It is in the same field with Sigma .
18 It is in the same field with Alpha ; look past the fainter star 1 Trianguli , and at about an equal distance beyond it , in the direction of Beta Andromedæ , you will see M33 as a fairly large , dim haze .
19 With most binoculars it is in the same field with Gamma Sagittæ , but is just out of the field with × 20 .
20 It is in the same league as other Landmark hotels , such as the Grande in Paris or the Carlton in Cannes .
21 In many ways , he is in the same position as a husband who finds that his wife is infertile .
22 The problem is this : if the accused 's intention is to rape and he is in the same position as in Brown with the top half of his body in the building , is his entry therein effective for the purposes of the rape form of burglary ?
23 He is in the same half of the draw as top seed Peter Marshall , the world number five .
24 The Panel will not regard an adviser as independent if he is in the same group as the financial adviser to an offeror , or if he has a significant interest in or financial connection with either an offeror or the target company of such a kind as to create a conflict of interest ( Rule 3.3 ) .
25 ‘ But it 's as if he 's in the same room .
26 Aqib Javed does n't swing the ball like that pair — and he 's in the same team , using the same ball .
27 In school you 'd be getting the looks and all that , but here everyone 's in the same boat .
28 Ours is in the same place ?
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