Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On Q.29 we answered ‘ means absolute zero ’ whereas it was ‘ minus absolute zero ’ , which is practically the same meaning .
2 In this fertile , irrigated region which is roughly the same size as the Netherlands , there is an abundance of fruit .
3 As the real FFL costs money , I think the Telegraph one which is basically the same game , but with slightly different rules to set your team up , is the one to follow for us .
4 It seems more likely that the knot symbolized the bond between the communicant and the deity , or that it was an attempt to bind the deity by magic , which is much the same thing .
5 Nothing is barred , except that your subject ( which is , note , not the same thing as your deeper theme ) should involve crime of some sort and that your presentation of it should be in a manner that will entertain , which is almost the same thing as saying it should be through a progressing story .
6 If you think about , it 's very difficult for looking at graph one than er than er looking at the more settled line on graph two , which is actually the same thing if you abide by that
7 Whereas the men had sixty percent effective tags and forty percent modal which is still the same direction but to a lesser extent .
8 Because the Australian aborigines still exist at the hunter-gatherer level of culture they have no need for a weaning trauma in early childhood as is found among all primitive agriculturalists , and consequently children , although experiencing a period of oral dependency as they do in the West , linger in that stage , do not have to give it up and , in a sense , remain unweaned until adulthood — or , certainly until initiation , which is essentially the same thing .
9 She 's only the same age as Tommy but I think she 's already a good enough organist to start playing in church on Sundays . ’
10 She is exactly the same age as Mrs Smith and came to Britain from Jamaica in 1957 as a 20-year old with her father ( a skilled motor mechanic who came to work on the London buses ) , her mother and her three brothers .
11 But she is still the same MP ; I do n't think she has moved an inch . ’
12 But Rhaw drew on all the leading German composers of the post-Isaac generation — Ludwig Senfl ( c. 1486–c. 1543 ) , Balthasar Resinarius ( Harzer ) ( C. 1485–1544 ) , Arnold von Bruck ( c. 1490–1554 ) , Sixt Dietrich ( c. 1493–1548 ) , Benedictus Ducis ( d. 1544 ) ( who is possibly the same man as Benedictus de Opitiis ) , Stephan Mahu ( c. 1485–c. 1541 ) — as well as the long dead Stoltzer and one Fleming , Lupus Hellinck .
13 If York had erm five percent greater number of educational institutions , there 's still the same number of young people .
14 Is the hon. Gentleman aware that in East Sussex , where the Conservatives control the county council , there is exactly the same problem because the Conservatives want to close seven old people 's homes ?
15 There is still the same straggle of dwellings fronting the street down to the river , all mellowed with antiquity ; there is still the same atmosphere of undisturbed tranquillity .
16 This is leading towards the idea of ‘ invariance of mass ’ — there is still the same amount even though it has changed form .
17 There is still the same straggle of dwellings fronting the street down to the river , all mellowed with antiquity ; there is still the same atmosphere of undisturbed tranquillity .
18 If there is indeed the same relativism in physics and in morals , should not one individual 's choice in his particular situation be as unimpugnably right or wrong as his measurements of distance and duration ?
19 Paley compares the eye with a designed instrument such as a telescope , and concludes that " there is precisely the same proof that the eye was made for vision , as there is that the telescope was made for assisting it " .
20 It 's just the same person inside .
21 Well it 's j it 's just the same problem as playing string parts on on wind instruments , you
22 I just think it 's just the same hanky .
23 I always think that it 's just the same religion , different cathedral ’ .
24 Every morning it 's just the same routine .
25 It 's also the same height as your kitchen units for a perfect fit .
26 In reality , the only difference between the two media is that the public knows how newspapers get their stories — though they do n't know that it 's exactly the same way as people in television get them .
27 you about erm well of course erm I 've got this diesel car and it 's exactly the same principle as a petrol engine and I just put petrol in it .
28 No it 's exactly the same look boom , boom , boom , boom , boom , boom , boom
29 The longer you throw , the more , good boy , it 's so well hidden in the leaves , it 's exactly the same colour that 's the trouble this time of year , but no , life is a funny thing , and I find it personally very hard to believe that only two months ago , I mean what is it nine weeks ago , and I suddenly had an enormous view
30 Well it 's exactly the same problem , I think .
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