Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [adv prt] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I feel I could pull off the cruelly applied latex prosthetics and find there one of those untroubled faces from the frontispiece of Country Life or Tatler .
2 Erm because the report is er quite a long report mainly the er part of the report erm I will pick out the most important comments and if I could take the first part of the report first erm this concerns a new staffing structure between er , newly emerged welfare rights and advice service .
3 2 Record the details of the request and ask for further details about the proposed story so that you can dig out the most useful in-depth material .
4 We first of all we used to give the food parcel every fortnight because it was half one week and half the next and now it 's a food parcel every week so they they 're guaranteed that basic sustenance you know and erm and we 'll keep up the up th up the fund raising and the money 's certainly still pouring in .
5 The newcomers will be hoping that the unsettling bid talk will die down so they can set about the more urgent tasks that lie ahead .
6 And pay her back so it 'll make up the up to one thirty .
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