Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] [noun sg] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the complexity of those realities , the delineation of such figures will in many cases depend upon careful judgments which must be made and which must distinguish case from case .
2 After taking up the post , the professor will become eligible for consideration , in reviews which will take place from time to time , for one of a small number of additional awards which may be made in recognition of outstanding academic distinction and/or contribution to the academic work of the University ( e.g. in leadership in , or in the development of , some field of study ) .
3 Several viruses are expected to be launched on computer users next week , including Datacrime 2 , which can wipe information from computer hard discs .
4 Dwarves were well-versed in all magical matters — witness RUMPELSTILTSKIN , who could spin gold from straw , and King Albrich , who could restrain an angry giant with an enchanted coat-thread .
6 There is no extra-worldly ‘ god ’ who will save mankind from misery and destruction .
7 And there is no pleasure left in the life of the rich : for who can tell lumpfish from caviare any more , and caviare is cholesterol-rich anyway , and forbidden : and when the rich grow old and hired nurses dab away the dribble , can you trust the nurse to love you , or does she hate you ?
8 If you can drink champagne from plastic mugs
9 Just as you can remove sulphur from power station emissions so you can do the same with carbon dioxide .
10 Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza has criticized Ruether here , asking how one should distinguish script from scripture .
11 The point is not simply that we can identify status from speech if we wish to , such as with the clever elaborations developed on radio ; rather , that it is difficult to conceive of an utterance in English in which this is not the case .
12 We can distinguish monodentate from bidentate sulfate , or terminal from bridging CO ligands , and we can use variations in the CO stretching frequencies in metal carbonyls to make deductions about the electronic natures of the other ligands .
13 I do not see how we can separate principle from practice , policy from implementation .
14 This account can be illustrated by considering his analysis of how discrimination training might increase the ease with which one can distinguish burgundy from claret .
15 The response or experience is individual , though there are canons by which one can judge its appropriateness , by which one can discriminate understanding from misunderstanding .
16 They can just be people who believe they ought to reshape society from top to bottom .
17 He said : ‘ I think they should switch attention from inflation to expanding the economy . ’
18 Downing Street , ever sensitive to Ian Lang 's problems , meanwhile told Scots who pointed out that northern latitudes are colder than southern , that they should take comfort from Budget measures on whisky and the oil industry .
19 While they were at the mercy of erratic weather or changes in the migration routes of reindeer , so that they might suffer famine from time to time , they were generally well fed , more or less comfortably adapted to their environment , and enjoyed a surplus of resources sufficient to allow expenditure of time on the decoration of clothing and utensils on story-telling and dancing .
20 They will stay even-tempered from morning to night .
21 Teaching effectively in higher education calls for the extraordinary ability on the part of the teacher to bring students to the point where they can distinguish sense from nonsense for themselves , where they can say and do things for themselves and give reasons for so doing which are full of insight , and where they have the intellectual resources to take off under their own steam .
22 He could trace descent from rabbi Simeon ben Isaac ben Abun ‘ the Great ’ of Mainz ( c .1000 ) and his family had produced rabbinic scholars for generations .
23 But the streetwise Karate Hero intervenes and warns the boys against the danger of AIDS : ‘ Anyone can get AIDS from sex : we must all protect ourselves and our friends ’ .
24 But the streetwise Karate Hero intervenes and warns the boys against the danger of AIDS : ‘ Anyone can get AIDS from sex : we must all protect ourselves and our friends ’ .
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