Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] [verb] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I may have been thinking of using the money saved from the mortgage payments on a new telly or something , but not now . ’
2 I may have been speaking to Francis but I 'm not certain of that .
3 I must have been chatting to him for about 20 minutes and he told me he 'd needed an urgent lift .
4 No and we 'd got three young girls , new , new girls and I saw those and I must have been thinking about Mandy and the car because they said something about oh when we leave we 're all going on a picnic to and I think it was Kettering or quite some time aw some
5 I must have been walking for nearly an hour , he thought .
6 At half past three Kaptan and I should have been reading from one of the textbooks but , in fact , I was lying in the Colonel 's hammock while Kaptan , with his inexhaustible energy , was trying to catch frogs .
7 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
8 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with and what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
9 ‘ The irony is that I did n't realise till Christmas , when I knew I loved you , that it was someone like you I should have been looking for all these years since . ’
10 But someone must have been slipping amongst them like a stoat , noting , memorizing , carrying word stealthily to the Duke of Atholl .
11 But I might have been speaking to a corpse , she was so pale and still and silent .
12 ‘ And it did n't occur to you that I might have been referring to you ? ’
13 So , let's think about our objectives , first of all an objective , I might have come to Abbey Life to make money , last year , I might have been working in a factory , earning fifteen , twelve , fifteen thousand a year , and I might make my objective in my first year with Abbey Life to earn sixty thousand pounds .
14 I 'll have been feeling in a different way when I 've painted something three months ago , so it would be wrong to go back and work on it again .
15 ‘ He sounds just the sort of keen , experienced youngster I would have been looking for .
16 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
17 If I 'd been the archer , I thought , I would have been waiting in position , crouched and camouflaged , endlessly patient , arrow notched on bow .
18 ‘ If I had any political objectives I would have been sitting in my cantonment ( barracks ) scheming and planning , ’ Gen Beg said .
19 The on the only thing I can remember is running after the car .
20 In analysing the new acting Ferguson was nearer the mark when he suggested that the movies were now coming up with richer and more vital people but Daugherty 's comments serve to remind us that techniques and styles which should have been feeding into a new cinema of experimentation and realism were being used rather to bolster old conventions of melodrama .
21 A dispute with Telecom engineers is holding up the company 's first link in London , and Mercury 's first inter-city line — which should have been operating by now — will not open until next year .
22 And the car was such a mess nobody would have been looking for a sawn brake cable . ’
23 The punch is executed with his left hand , which will have been resting in ‘ hammer ’ at the side of his hip .
24 Lord Justice Parker differentiated between liability of the car driver to her passenger , who must have been within her reasonable contemplation as being likely to be affected by her omission to remove her broken down car from the carriageway and any drivers who may have been proceeding in the opposite direction on the other carriageway .
25 Had there ever been a possibility that she may have been following in the footsteps of Linda Rooke and , ahem , disrobing ?
26 There are a few conditions ; you must have been sailing within the area or bands briefed by the flotilla skipper , timing starts when the lead boat acknowledges the failure , and you must return to UK with a report signed by the flotilla skipper detailing the circumstances .
27 You must have been listening to the B.B.C. or something . ’
28 Well you must have been going during the day while I was at work then .
29 I THINK you must have been going to small moneylenders to be quoted interest rates of this sort .
30 ‘ Well , you should have been concentrating on what you were saying .
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