Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] i [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I if I can ask you to home in on that five thousand pound figure , once you reach five thousand pound on any assignment you get another fifteen percent bonus .
2 I came up with a lot of very hard guitar parts for this album and I had to practise the hell out of them so I could pull them off .
3 So he asking me if I would do it .
4 Anyway , I gave him the gist of what had happened and he asked me if I would let him know if we found her . ’
5 Do not hesitate to contact me if I can help you personally .
6 Remind me if I can help you .
7 Takes a dozen a year off me if I can find them for him .
8 I had been invited to 10 Downing Street for dinner a number of times and on one of those occasions Harold Wilson asked me if I could suggest someone who would go to Salisbury and meet Ian Smith in order to find out whether there was any basis for renewing negotiations .
9 It would be more convenient for me if I could collect them on Friday 10 May in the afternoon , say at 3.30 p.m. or later rather than at 11.30 a.m .
10 ‘ And if I had known , even just that you were free to love me if I could persuade you to , I would n't have been so — ’ Breaking off , Luke was once again silent for several seconds .
11 But he asked me if I 'd send them er er a full report of it after day after they 'd done it .
12 Well they knew that I was a graduate in erm , they had two , they had a , a lab manager and an assistant , and they both went sick at the same time , and er , they asked me if I 'd do it .
13 I explained all that to you and Judd when his guardian wrote and asked me if I 'd have him here .
14 Breughel , You 'll know them if I can get them true …
15 He do n't want to come down to me cos I shall send him off !
16 I merely want to keep you where I can see you while I dress more in accordance with entertaining an unexpected caller .
17 That will stop you walking round the streets and put you where I can find you , thought Coffin .
18 I know , and I I , I asked you if I could borrow it and you went , er and th you did n't
19 erm , so I would come up the town with you if I could think what for
20 And the adult stage of love wherein , ‘ I want to love you and cherish you because I can find my happiness in your happiness .
21 Anyway I 'd better go , I 'll see , well if I do n't see you before I 'll see you next Wednesday
22 Perhaps if we , if I went to a Sie Sierra it 'd perhaps be nice to get one when I can afford one with the power to match the the size .
23 Of course , that might suit me because I could wear my old rags and not attract attention .
24 But how I longed to be gallant , as they say ; to ask her if I might kiss her on both cheeks if I gave her my two violets .
25 He spoilt Rose that much he 'd have ruined her if I 'd let him .
26 I wanted to ask her if I could run her errands before the other children had a chance .
27 So I 'm gon na ask her if I can borrow it
28 It just depends where we 're going cos I do n't know what we 're doing yet So I 'd and the woman 's coming round tonight so I 'll just , sort of , say to her if I can keep it over the weekend I can do a lot more so otherwise I 'll feel a bit bad
29 I 'd rather not sleep with him if I can avoid it because he 's , he , I just do n't get any sleep .
30 I ask him if I can have my new lap-top back and he says he is n't sure .
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