Example sentences of "[pron] [det] than a [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Guest was born to polite society , but broke with convention as a wayward débutante , taking to the stage and sitting for Diego Rivera in something less than a presentation gown .
2 Now something more than a quelling look appeared on Lord Woodleigh 's fine-bred features .
3 A piece to be presented should have something more than a surface narrative quality in the characterisation .
4 We can perhaps only guess at what exactly lay behind such incidents , although these kinds of details begin to add up to something more than a fringe resentment of the police by a marginal ‘ criminal element ’ .
5 If a lake is built behind the barrage , it will be nothing more than a sewage pit .
6 She had allowed him to entice her into what was , to him , nothing more than a seduction scene , where she had been primed and ripe for the taking .
7 Dickins had had nothing more than a back pass and a free-kick to deal with in the first 30 minutes but showed signs of nervousness when Bull challenged for a Birch free-kick .
8 It was generally felt that the legislation was nothing more than a publicity exercise , carried out under severe pressure from the USA and the Free State government .
9 ‘ It is a single , rather flippant sentence in a book of 100,000 words — nothing more than a throwaway line . ’
10 At the height of all the media fuss over a comic creation which was basically nothing more than a walking catch-phrase , it seemed as if Enfield 's career was in danger of burning out before it had properly ignited .
11 Then , he had been quite amused and content to joke about being nothing more than a flower bearer , but he was not so happy when it became a regular occurrence .
12 Normally , if you want nothing more than a passage anchorage , Dale , down near the entrance , will serve very well , but we felt Neyland merited a first visit , and thanks to going there we had this early morning enchantment of seeing ships , great and small , going about their work .
13 Thus , it is nothing more than a clearing house which does nothing in its own right .
14 It was ‘ nothing more than a clearing house for sexually disturbed cranks , the biggest of whom is Emmanuel Petrakis …
15 Determination , dedication and self-discipline may not fit the image but , without them , the boy from Black Rock , Victoria , would probably be nothing more than a beach bum right now .
16 But the sailing date kept being put back : first for lack of volunteers , then because of uncertainty about the activities of ubiquitous Francis Drake — who disliked other privateers poaching prizes he regarded as his own — and finally for a wealth of reasons so small that Ann began to suspect that they were nothing more than a smoke screen , to hide her husband 's ever-increasing infatuation with Miss Jennifer Gristy .
17 To oppose them is a patriotic act ; their own use of national flags and symbols is nothing more than a sham masking their terroristic inclinations .
18 Among some people who have been involved in negotiations at Geneva on laws-of-war matters there is a genuine concern that any neat set of rules limiting the use of nuclear weapons in one way or another might have the unfortunate effects either of weakening deterrence ; or else , contrariwise , of seeming to legitimise such uses of nuclear weapons as are not covered in any agreement ; or else of being nothing more than a paper accord , which would be of little real value in a conflict .
19 Jack Lewis was a brilliant attacking wing-half whom Palace obtained for nothing more than a signing-on fee from West Bromwich Albion in the summer of 1938 .
20 In the middle of the afternoon , she rang her office : there was nothing more than a routine acknowledgment of the debriefing report she had sent after Maxim 's meeting with the Secret Service .
21 To have 32 seeds in a 128 women 's singles draw , would be nothing less than a protection racket .
22 Nor , as these raiders paddled towards an enemy shore , was there more than a canvas skin on its wooden frame between them and a hostile reception .
23 Next is Aled Williams of Bridgend , whose consistency in domestic matches , which might not be transferred to internationals , should have earned him more than a replacement honour ( out of position ) against Namibia in 1990 .
24 Doctors have given her more than a fighting chance and I just have that to cling to . ’
25 In MAKING IT BETTER , the improbably , coolly glamorous Jane Asher plays Diana Harrington , half of a couple who work for the BBC and have sex problems : her husband of 20 years tells her he is leaving her to set up as an homosexual , an announcement which seems to disturb her less than a wheel clamp .
26 Whether or not the Communist Party leaders expected such a letter to have anything more than a propaganda appeal they can hardly have been surprised by the Labour Party reply on 27 January 1936 which rejected the application and outlined the history of relations between the two parties , particularly during the social fascist " period .
27 Unlike some of its competitors , Bull says it has yet to work out whether or not Posix compatibility for proprietary systems is anything more than a marketing gimmick , and so it has not yet embarked on the expensive process of adapting the GCOS operating systems to comply with Posix .
28 But if you put all of these together , do they amount to anything more than a restorationist position ?
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