Example sentences of "[pron] [det] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Young people striking out on their own for the first time frequently do not have transport and colleges or universities are not always situated in city centres .
2 Although they 're among the poorest people in the community , many feel better off than they 've ever been — they 've got money , time and friends of their own for the first time .
3 For , as Raymond Briggs once said , in Maus the cartoon book holds its own for the first time against all-comers as a literary medium .
4 Tallis was on her own for the first time in her eight years or so in this unimaginable land .
5 ‘ I know I should n't say anything , but I 've known you both for a long time , and your mother spoiled Dana rotten .
6 If a composer remembers to keep this audience entertained , think what he can say to them all at the same time .
7 Which is probably better than getting them all at the same time .
8 Robyn swallowed and glanced out at the pouring rain , glanced at him , at the carved , arrogant profile that irked and thrilled her all at the same time and then at the rain again .
9 cos they book it all at the same time
10 He was like just being an adviser , he was n't like trying to design it , and I looked at it all for a long time and I said Bembo , which I had never heard of .
11 The boy was going to the boxroom and was clearly excited at possessing a room of his own for the first time .
12 Charles obliged , and filled up his own at the same time .
13 I think he 's passing them both on the same time .
14 I often missed Constanza , but not being with them both at the same time was easier .
15 ‘ You can get us all at the same time this way . ’
16 Amanda said : ‘ I 'm sorry it was them and glad it was n't us all at the same time . ’
17 I hope you can join us all at the same time next Saturday ; United at home to Barnsley in a division two match .
18 She 's been with us all for a long time .
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