Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] been [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 cos I said you 'll be here to midnight David and then on the day we were going he stopped me and Jane , little Jane , she was coming down the stairs behind me , I 'd been up for a fax , and I do n't know where she 'd been , she was behind me and as she come down the stairs I was listening and he said got her hand ooh he said I am gon na miss you my dear , so she said yes I 'll miss Hodems as well , he said you have got a way with your words have n't you , he said for one strange minute I thought you were gon na say you 'll miss me too
2 You had to appear in front of them , well this , I 'd been off for a week and the old Harbourmaster old he sent for me and he said erm , you can start work tomorrow as I .
3 Yeah , well I 'd been out to the bin and er , he was just sort of erm by the ground by the bin bags the wood round the corner and er then he was sort of coming and he was like dying to come and have a stroke but
4 After all , I 'd been out of the Army a full six weeks by then .
5 It was the first time I 'd been out of the cell since 15 May .
6 I 'd been out with a client , and one thing led to another . ’
7 She no doubt thought I 'd been out in the sun too long .
8 By the time I got to the last rocker I had been out of the garage , round the block three times , back up the drive and home in time for teal Is there any way I can turn the engine over without moving the vehicle ?
9 I regret that I had been out of the office on the 15 July and did not receive your FAX until first thing on the 16 July .
10 In March 1922 ‘ snobbish clerks ’ on the Moscow Kursk line , which had been on of the most revolutionary , in 1905 and 1917 , were refusing to attend meetings where common signalman and the like were to be found .
11 Research identified that retailers were using cheap methods of display which had been around since the 1950's .
12 ‘ If you 'd been out on the street — ’ Georgiades looked at Nikos — ‘ instead of sitting on your ass in a cool office — ’
13 It looked as if she 'd been up in the loft for something , which I suppose was rather rash in her state of health .
14 But mostly it was directed towards herself , and whatever it was in her that seemed to respond to some call given out by the least suitable of men ; despite what she 'd been through in the past couple of years she appeared to have learned precisely nothing .
15 She 'd been out with an earlier crew .
16 And I says er you know when I came back from Rio de Janeiro , she 'd been out as a kiddy then .
17 Maggie immediately thought of the lack of seagulls she 'd noticed when she 'd been down at the sea-front .
18 She 'd been back to the shop twice hoping to chase the progress of her textiles order .
19 Worried that leaving it in the basket might suggest that she had been up to no good , the girl ran downstairs starkers with her boyfriend in hot pursuit , playfully offering to help .
20 Her last thought before she fell asleep was the reaction she would get if they knew that she had been out with a policeman .
21 She had been out with a young lawyer once , a bumptious and ambitious man , and a boring one .
22 When he went round the corner to her room and knocked , she would have to pretend that she had been down to the kitchens .
23 She had been down to the lochside in the early morning with a basket of crusts and potato peelings for the water birds and had left a row of neat black boot prints in the snow .
24 Slorne , who had been up at the back of her cage most of the day as usual , suddenly opened her wings , swung round and dropped down to the front of her cage .
25 Some of those who had been out to the countryside or into factories to do their ‘ social practice ’ were even more critical of the existing regime .
26 It was a very impressive comeback for Cross , who had been out of the game for six months with shin splints .
27 Equally , just over a third of those who had been out of the labour market altogether , but were now in work , had temporary jobs .
28 Cadfael knew of none besides Tutilo who had been out of the enclave that night , but a man intending such a deed would hardly publish his intent or let anyone know of his absence .
29 The stout landlord , who had been down in the cellar fetching a fresh keg of ale , lowered it to the floor .
30 The expansion also meant a round of promotions for the stalwarts who had been in from the beginning .
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