Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] from [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The look she gave me changed from fear to disgust .
2 My arm was beginning to hurt pretty badly , so I decided to pull my chute straight away in case I fainted from loss of blood .
3 Still not worried , still sliding smoothly through the crowds , feeling as elusive as a shadow , I passed from night-spot to night-spot .
4 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
5 As I changed from listening to walking mode , I tried to work out whether it had feet or flippers or ran on rollers .
6 Even then I jinked from side to side as I pulled the hood back .
7 But all seemed to go well for me as I climbed from boat to boat successfully , and then all I had to do was get to the wall from the last boat .
8 So I graduated from watcher to player and clapped as the sons and the Omani drummers played and sang .
9 Next day I walked from house to house again , looking in vain for work .
10 I ached from head to toe and the wound in my throat , inflamed by the cold , created a circle of pain around my neck and shoulders .
11 I looked from left to right to find somewhere to sit and could see nowhere .
12 Slowly I went from pot to pot , pot to pot , giving each flower its drink of water .
13 I went from group to group apologizing , and then telephoned up to the lady 's room .
14 Janice Flook ( Mrs Boniface ) writes ‘ after a varied career during which I migrated from chemistry to computing to telecommunications , I am now enjoying the early years of our son Keith who was born last year .
15 He , after all , found her quite as repulsive as she found him and , as the two of them waltzed from oven to sink , from window to cutlery drawer , staring up , down , sideways , anywhere but at each other , Henry had always assumed that this was no more than the usual politesse of a failed English , suburban marriage .
16 At Magdalen Bridge , Dennis went ashore for more champagne , which passed from hand to hand as we negotiated the lower reaches of the river .
17 The firm had developed novel parallel processing software which worked like a ‘ worm ’ , spawning segments which moved from processor to processor .
18 In fact , the behaviour of the janissaries bred a smouldering resentment which erupted from time to time into acts of armed resistance .
19 It is perhaps worth making the point ( for readers who are just beginning their enquiries into the history of this period ) that a lord did not usually own all the land on his manor but had certain defined rights , which differed from place to place and even between neighbouring settlements .
20 She was somebody who had mild short-term memory loss , which varied from day to day but she could remember anything about the past .
21 One response to this and the funding crisis in the early 1980s was to introduce charges for the home help service , up to a weekly maximum , which varied from authority to authority , but was in the region of £2 .
22 The lights in the ceiling came on without fuss and illuminated the ancient brick walls and the weathered old grey beams which crossed from side to side , holding up the planks of the floor above : holding up the planks , except where the hole was .
23 This had then opened up what Schweitzer described as the ‘ psychologising ’ approach to Jesus , which set out to explore his understanding of himself , tracing his awareness of God , his key ideas , even the development of his teaching through the career which ran from Galilee to Golgotha .
24 Sometimes Dad was on the Number 23 route , which ran from Bruntsfield to Goldenacre , passing our home .
25 Nenna felt tired , and sat down on the keelson , which ran from end to end of the flat-bottomed barge .
26 What really drew my attention , however , was the ugly , purple-red gash which ran from ear to ear .
27 An indicator of popular views of Party leaders can be seen in the wild rumours which circulated from time to time about prominent figures in the NSDAP .
28 She slouched from parent to parent , latching on to those who looked as if they would listen to her woes — not realizing , perhaps , that this was hardly the purpose of Parents ' Evening .
29 Victory went to James Leckey , who led from start to finish , but Emerson 's solid second place allied to the retirement of his two main championship rivals , was enough to take the Belfast driver clear at the top of the table .
30 The rally was won outright by flying Scot Colin McRae , who led from start to finish in his Subaru Legacy .
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