Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] for a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Her house was full of bead curtains and reproduction furniture — a fact which impressed me so much I thought for a long time that Reproduction was a period like Jacobean and Elizabethan .
2 To tell the truth I have only hazy memories of the magazine that I took for a long time and until it ceased publication for reasons that were beyond me .
3 I hesitated for a long time before I began my experiment .
4 I cried for a long time when I saw that big dark hole in the ground , and we put his body in the grave .
5 I went from that to a Gibson EB3 , then to a Rickenbacker 4001 , which I had for a long time .
6 I had for a long time being trying to find a way of showing the heat-pain argument to be invalid , because I could not accept the conclusion , that heat exists only as a sensation in the mind .
7 I slept for a short time but was woken when the coach stopped .
8 Then it began to rain hard and I sheltered for a long time in a barn , but I could n't stay there all night so I just walked and got thoroughly soaked .
9 After the girls had gone I sat for a little time , thinking .
10 Afterwards I sat for a long time trying to reconcile myself to these new ideas .
11 I stood for a long time in a telephone box just to keep out of the slicing rain .
12 I stood for a long time , staring at the mirror .
13 Far from being ‘ immoral ’ or promiscuous , there is plentiful evidence that in fact the working class , partly inheriting structures from their rural predecessors , had a very clear set of ethics of their own which survived for a considerable time .
14 The Hudson Report received a general welcome from interested parties in agricultural education but , like reports on many other areas of further education , nothing happened for a long time .
15 She read for a long time , and I had the bonus of knowing my father was waiting impatiently to fuck her again on this night of nights which was really their honeymoon .
16 She suffered for a long time and although her father never knew about it , her mother did . ’
17 She walked for a long time , while the feeling of the streets changed to night .
18 She walked for a long time , past hundreds of doors .
19 She chatted for a long time to a friendly Madame Pompadour , who professed to love Wales and bombarded her with intimate questions .
20 She had for a while become a Monotype operator , on one of the " women 's machines " , and also remembers " trying to do imposition " and doing a little display work in one mainly jobbing firm where she worked for a short time .
21 Rosemary had been to Venice and seen the original bridge , and she enthused for a long time on the beauties of that city and how much she would like to go there again after the war was over .
22 He said that on her birthday he asked her what she had learnt from life , and she thought for a long time , and then said : ‘ That people are morally the same , and intellectually different . ’
23 She thought for a long time , not looking at him , but at the glowing red centre of the range .
24 So in the case of a ruler who reigned for a long time , coins enable us to date the changes during the reign .
25 She lay for a long time in the enveloping warmth of the bath-water , feeling a strange sense of sadness .
26 However , the Communists , who emerged for a second time as power broker despite their loss of seven seats in parliament , has made it clear that they will not collaborate with the Pasok leader whom they indicted for alleged wrongdoing during the interim left-right coalition government of Mr Tzannis Tzannetakis .
27 Valerie Eliot was also his protector — as a secretary she had for a long time been organizing his daily life and guarding him from the world , and it was probably the calm assurance of her presence which first drew him towards her .
28 She felt more alive than she had for a long time .
29 ‘ Sure ? ’ she said for a second time .
30 She hovered for a brief time over the trunk of the tree , tears streaming from her eyes , shuddering as the axes continued to cut into the wood , shaking her head from side to side .
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