Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] in the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
2 There are at least ten or a dozen different principal textures , but it would be unusual to find a large number of them used in the same piece .
3 I lived in the same house as him once .
4 But then I found in the same week in the relatively liberal UK magazine Time Out several references to women as ‘ chicks ’ and ‘ broads ’ .
5 I came in the same van as someone called Gleeson , ’ said Marcus .
6 And Graham claimed : ‘ Frank McLintock was a marvellous skipper — I should know because I played in the same team with him .
7 This created two new corners , which I treated in the same way , and so on till I achieved the shape marked out .
8 I looked in the same direction and saw a group of men standing and staring at us .
9 In the Middle Ages everyone ate in the same manner — like pigs .
10 But P. C. Hardwick 's Great Western Royal Hotel , which opened in the same year to provide the frontage to Paddington Station , was perhaps the earliest major building in Britain to show marked French Renaissance influence .
11 Figure 5 is another little collection from my trophy room , all of which developed in the same kind of way .
12 It was not for that generation to complain if the inhabitants of India and of the dependent colonies took them at their word , albeit a mistaken word : the myth of an Empire exploited by the United Kingdom was a plant which grew in the same soil as the myth of an Empire that alone secured ‘ adequate prosperity ’ to the forty or fifty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom .
13 Rich , published in Economic History Review 2nd series ii ( 1950 ) ; ‘ English Country Towns in the 1520s ’ by J.C.K. Cornwall , which appeared in the same publication , 2nd series xv ( 1962 ) ; ‘ English Provincial Towns in the Sixteenth Century ’ by W.G. Hoskins , which appeared as a chapter in his book Provincial England ( 1963 ) ; and ‘ The Village Population in the Tudor Lay Subsidy Rolls ‘ by S.A. Payton , in English Historical Review xxx ( 1915 ) .
14 Printing plays in a cheap , unbound , quarto format indicates that the drama was commonly perceived as on the same standing as almanacs , joke books , pamphlets , and other popular writing which appeared in the same form .
15 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
16 True , both the English and the Latin forms indicate he lived by the ash tree , but did they merely permit the taxatores to avoid confusing him with all the other Johns who lived in the same village ?
17 A teenager who lived in the same address returned and tried to call police after hearing the voice of the lodger and the man , said Charles Kellett , prosecuting .
18 Some of these stories were undoubtedly true — I definitely knew some lads who played in the same city of Leeds schoolboys team as him , etc .
19 Fulco , son and heir of William Michell , surrendered by attorney his copyhold at Cradley , Worcs. , to the use of Richard Smith ; both were non-resident , as was William Bere , who surrendered in the same way at the next court .
20 Open , friendly and honest by nature herself , she was happiest with others who acted in the same way , but Adam Burns was a riddle she doubted she would ever find the answer to .
21 Fleming sought help in identifying the mould from the mycologist La Touche , who worked in the same building and who thought that of the many species of Penicillium , it was most like Penicillium rubrum .
22 A DARLINGTON man who worked in the same menswear shop all his adult life has died at the age of 73 .
23 But , trace of humour or not , she was in no mood for the antics of Paul Fisher , one of the men who worked in the same department , who , regardless of her repressive glasses and old-maid hairstyle , was forever ready to make advances .
24 In this strange institution we did not even know all the people who worked in the same room as ourselves , as the action went on twenty-four hours a day , and we were on duty on varying shifts .
25 ‘ He was a very old man who worked in the same room as John Dyson and myself . ’
26 Each of these is regarded as part of the family , as are people who originated in the same village .
27 Smith inspected the United Boys ' Brigades of America with her in 1907 but she died in the same year of a tragic accident , not long after their return .
28 Neither did he , for the moment , recognise her own diffidence as an indication that she felt in the same way about him .
29 From this cohort we selected homosexual men who seroconverted in the same study period as the drug users who seroconverted .
30 Yeah because you slept in the same quilt as him , you
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