Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [to-vb] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So I got to stay with the dogs and
2 I got to stick with the President and all I can think about.is those two and what they 're up to .
3 Let's just say I tried to leave with the minimum of fuss .
4 I tried to speak with the landlord but was driven off for what I seemed — a ragged , evil-smelling beggar .
5 I began to talk with the priest .
6 I began to grapple with the man who was holding me .
7 Slowly , even reluctantly I began to integrate with the idea of Bristol .
8 However , I decided to dispense with the hood ; I did n't see the point of hiding my face .
9 ‘ After the death of Sicelo I decided to meet with a lawyer and asked him to put down on record that I had taken part in a film .
10 I decided to work with the market women 's organization , ASUTRAMES , because my mother had a market stall and I would help her , and because the community had taught me how important it was to claim our rights .
11 KRUGER AND RAINS were our most up-front suspects , so I decided to start with the mystery man of the Cicero Club , George Macready .
12 ‘ In the late afternoon , ’ wrote Evelyn Waugh in his diaries , ‘ I went to stay with the Betjemans in a lightless , stuffy , cold poky rectory among beechwoods overlooking Wantage . ’
13 For the community work I went to help with the Mothers and Toddlers group that was held next door to the school .
14 Because of the problems we could have had due to heat stroke I elected to walk with the group carry 50 litres of water .
15 I liked to go with the underdog .
16 So then er and I had to do with the antique .
17 I had to sleep with the light on .
18 " I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting , but I had to finish with the man I had with me .
19 While you were missing , I had to deal with a dog that had been run over . ’
20 Then I was promoted to assistant cashier at the Wandsworth branch where I had to deal with the toll accounts to go to head office as well as the share accounts and the dividends .
21 Once the semantics of police experience were revealed , I had to live with the problems experienced by both Castenada and Favret-Saada , although I demur from casting myself into their intellectual companionship .
22 Except that I had to live with the aftermath .
23 That morning , when the doctor saw I had to go with the pirates to find the treasure , he had left the squire to look after the captain , then took Gray and Ben Gunn with him to be ready to help us .
24 And I had to help with the harvest too .
25 As the band 's agent in this case , I had to work with the record company to circumvent the rigid Radio I Top 40 format .
26 I left to live with a boyfriend , who turned out to be a bad lot .
27 The Typical Chinese Dishes with plenty of good hot coffee on top of them seemed to combine with the heating in the place to make me sleepy .
28 And that nose which seemed to sharpen with the years made her look predatory …
29 Commentators also made the point that while the Bonn meeting referred to East-West co-operation , effective agreements and trade treaties came within the sphere of activity of the European Communities , which preferred to negotiate with the East European countries individually .
30 The development of a form of representative democracy in the nineteenth century led Dicey to distinguish between legal sovereignty , which continued to reside with the triumvirate of the monarch , Lords , and Commons , and political sovereignty , which he deemed to rest with the electorate .
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