Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [to-vb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One of them asked to go to the lavatory .
2 Mr Waite , who was freed last November after five years in Lebanon , says on the ABC programme 20/20 : ‘ One day I asked to go to the bathroom .
3 I asked to speak to the person in charge of the station .
4 I was in there nearly three years , or two and a half years anyway and , of course , I when I passed to go to the Q M of course , I , I used to do the Headmaster 's and all that but they , they could n't teach me any more because you , you can only have the same lessons as them that have been taught you know .
5 I tried to go to the ladies ' room .
6 So I 'd to go to the washing racks for fourpence a day .
7 It could n't be that I was right , and while I yearned to return to a certainty I already knew , I heard only my mother 's voice , insisting , on one dead note , that she knew of what life should consist .
8 So I happened to say to the footman , I say :
9 Then I began to go to the temple and I did n't go to Sunday school any more , because I had been to the seaside lots and lots of times — the same one every time .
10 The sun had gone now and , once on dry land , I began to walk to the stockade .
11 I decided to return to the jetty and see if I could store them overnight .
12 Anyway , bored by my stay at Le Coq d'Or I decided to go to the shop under the Sign of the Pestle in the Rue des Moines and leave Moodie 's present there .
13 I decided to talk to the teachers in their year groups to elicit their personal views of questioning .
14 Putting my point across verbally at meetings without notes has never been my forte , which is why I decided to write to the editor of Gay Scotland in the hope that the situation would change for the better .
15 I decided to write to the Grocers ' Company about the matter .
16 I experienced the agonisingly slow passage of time and decided that I needed to go to the toilet .
17 I needed to go to the toilet , and with every step I took there seemed to be more convulsions from my guts .
18 but when we got up to the top of the house I needed to go to the toilet .
19 I meant to go to the bank last , I meant to get cash for that guy but I 'll make him a cheque .
20 My leg had gone completely to sleep and I could n't feel it at all , but I managed to hobble to the door , collecting fourpence out of my wallet , and down the stairs to the first landing where the telephone was .
21 I managed to get to the wine bar the other side of St Paul 's in time to pick up Rebecca and the bar staff did not seem sad to see her go .
22 I managed to speak to the leader of the PLO .
23 And then when I went to talk to the sister , me , you know I fuck when I rang she was she had to have an operation on her knee , the whole kneecap was broke .
24 When I dared to go to the scales I discovered that I had lost a further ten pounds in five days .
25 and financial circumstances and erm , this was something of course that I had to leave to the people who were working got himself another job .
26 They believed I had to report to a camp near Dover .
27 It was already nearly six o'clock , and I would n't be able to find a one-hour photo lab open anywhere that evening ; and I had to return to the Sheraton to collect my bag , and be back on the train by seven-thirty or soon after .
28 But I had to return to the subject of Frankenstein .
29 I had to return to the area of the shrine .
30 I knew that if I had to drive to the park or into the country first , then the walking would never get done except at weekends .
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