Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [vb pp] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd kept it in the bottom of my bra-and-pants drawer ever since I stole it from Dad .
2 I 'd seen it along the end of the track .
3 Anyway I went there and I was impressed , I 'd seen it from the ship and I completely concur with everything that 's been said .
4 I suppose the fact that I 'd made it at the age of 14 was important because it meant I would go a long way in athletics .
5 ‘ I 'd have been all right if I 'd made it to the main road . ’
6 ‘ When I told Martin that I was 10 weeks ' pregnant with my second child , he enjoyed telling people how clever I was because I 'd arranged it between the interims and the final results ! ’
7 I retrieved my stash from where I 'd taped it under the steering column and my cigarettes and green Rizla papers from the dashboard .
8 For answer , I picked up the newspaper from where I 'd thrown it on the desk .
9 I 'd left it to the end of the meal before I said anything about being arrested .
10 I know I did seen it on the T V , different places , but I , I did n't know anything about here .
11 I had made it to the door of my flat .
12 I did n't realise that I had lost it at the party . ’
13 I had lost it in the sea when swimming away from the ship .
14 In retrospect I can see that this implication can be drawn from the envelope , and I only wish I had realised it at the time .
15 I had heard it in the evenings at the school , and at first thought it made by some moronic village boy .
16 Well I , I had done it at the interval .
17 Another part in the book that I did n't understand until I had read it for the second time was a bit right at the every end .
18 If I had left it on the night flying path I would have had a serious rocket which I would not have forgotten as easily as I had forgotten the first one — from the wing commander flying .
19 Its windows and doors had been sealed up with breeze-blocks but the Koranic inscription beneath the roof remained and someone had painted it in the past ten years .
20 Somebody had put it in the drawer .
21 After Iraq was condemned for its use of chemical weapons , President Khamenei was quoted as having wished the UN had gone on to take steps against both Iraq and the states which had provided it with the means to manufacture such weapons .
22 It was a look she recognised instantly , although it was the first time she 'd seen it in the flesh .
23 Much bigger than she 'd imagined it in the dark .
24 cos she 'd had it since the beginning of February .
25 I thought she 'd fetched it from the bedroom .
26 They bartered their grain for the salt he 'd brought back from the border , where he traded with Tibetans who 'd scraped it from the arid salt-lakes and carried it south on yaks across the windswept dust-blown plateau lands .
27 The Rectory , when she reached it ten minutes later , was as silent and calm as when she had visited it with the Archdeacon on Saturday evening .
28 She had seen it on the table on her Wednesday visit and had said :
29 This he read in the lavatory , where she had seen it on the first day .
30 Because he had faith in her — she had seen it in the colours he painted her .
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