Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [vb pp] [pers pn] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What we gave you is the time they come and the next weekend they were back again , and I 'd warned them several times and in the end I said look forget it , and I had it , you know , the works gone off , erm , and as far as I 'm concerned it 's Wednesday nights , I 've really got to , and the price I started to pay , is no longer worth it to me .
2 if I 'd got here a minute quicker I 'd got you some chocolate biscuits you could of been having with that cup of tea
3 The Hurricanes were to land at Hal Far aerodrome and I circled that aerodrome until I had seen them all land safely .
4 I had noticed it several times since I left the Monogram Building .
5 I wish I had shown her more affection , although I did spend a lot of time collecting scraps of sheep 's wool off the barbed wire for her to put round her corns .
6 Also , MacQuillan 's face was well known and it was inevitable that someone had noticed him that lunchtime .
7 If a magistrate or other influential figure in a town was the owner of a building in which an excise office was then located , he too was vulnerable to pressure should he waver in his loyalty to the political interest which had given him this tenant .
8 Grey eyes swept the outfit which had caused her some qualms , but it was modest compared to Nicky Kai 's , the oyster-coloured chiffon shirt collarless and slit to a point between her breasts , loose enough to leave them a mystery only occasionally glimpsed when she moved , dark nipples a shadowy suggestion .
9 The policy of austerity and a strong franc , which he had so staunchly defended for the best part of a decade ( and which had earned him such praise abroad ) , was being blamed within France for recession and for the record level of unemployment ( it broke through the symbolic 3m mark the day he handed over the reins of government ) .
10 Bush made his statement after receiving a CIA report in mid-February , which had informed him that Israeli claims that under 1 per cent of Soviet immigrants were being settled in the " occupied territories " was only partly true , because a further 10 per cent were being placed in settlements in East Jerusalem .
11 There was a desultory air to the whole performance , and I knew that he was conscious of his mediocre first round , which had put him some way down the field .
12 It was the tone of voice , cold , edged , which had reproached her that evening at The Towers , when she had not worn the bracelet .
13 ‘ Did Capron ask you straight whether you 'd given me any help ? ’
14 I mean if if you 'd told you that dad was coming down which
15 She had n't simply evaded him ; she 'd evaded him each time with an ease that had left him looking like a fool .
16 She 'd seen him many times then , everyone else had dropped him , and only moneyed privilege had kept him out of the gutter .
17 I told you she 'd sent me some cast-offs and they 're much too grand for me to wear .
18 She 'd tossed him some bait , and he 'd swallowed the rod .
19 ‘ I love you , ’ she told him , as she 'd told him many times before .
20 She had visited us many times over a nu number of years and said it was our turn to visit her and we just laughed .
21 She had given him some newspaper torn into squares and a glass of dark-brown liquid that tasted like spanish water .
22 She had given him some gift , something which he cherished very dearly .
23 She had given me this book , Period , and she says that how you feel about your first period affects you all your life , it affects your self-image , so it 's very important .
24 ‘ Love , ’ she said , promptly , for she had given it some thought .
25 And before that , she had seen him several times .
26 She had seen it that morning , black and sleek , leaving hardly a ripple behind it , slipping silently away on the morning tide .
27 As I have described , she had consulted me many years back over a libel matter which I had discouraged her — unsuccessfully — from pursuing , with calamitous financial results ; but I was able to give her a little assistance in another matter which to some small extent repaired the damage arising from the first disaster .
28 Peggy was aware that many of her sayings were threadbare , she had heard them many times before , but as the comedian said , it was n't what as said , it was the way it was told .
29 She had made them some food , then gone out again .
30 She had made him some breakfast about 7.30 .
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