Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] [art] time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I said then well I said from the time now , I said there is nobody I said , can sleep on those mattresses .
2 She sa she said that in someone said about the time today but I 've forgotten .
3 Yet yesterday 's report on the Clapham crash , confirming the picture which emerged throughout the Hidden inquiry , makes an event which seemed at the time totally unexpected look almost inevitable .
4 A The first kind developed out of the Romantic movement which emerged at a time when artists of all kinds rebelled against being servants in wealthy households , obeying their patrons ' orders and being regulated by religious , political and other advisers .
5 And Elizabeth Williams , who lived at a time when universities were so enlightened that they would actually permit women to sit examinations ( but not , alas , be awarded a degree ) .
6 It was tough , but we got through the time somehow .
7 In his novel The Human Age , D. B. Wyndham Lewis postulates the theory that after death , as we stand on that other shore , at the gate of eternity , we will each one assume the shape and form which we had at the time when we best realised our essential selves .
8 The talks were the most significant in a 15-month series of deputy foreign ministerial level discussions in that they occurred at a time when the two countries appeared to be on the verge of restoring full diplomatic relations .
9 The interesting points to note for both papers are that they emerged at a time when the SDP , a party of the middle-ground , was in the ascendant , and that neither moved to the ‘ left ’ , not even the social democratic ‘ left ’ , in the 1987 election .
10 He became enormously interested in these papers and the effect they had at a time when many people thought Britain was on the brink of popular revolution .
11 However , he lived at a time when the centuries-old Almagest of the Egyptian scholar Claudius Ptolemy was still being used by the Church to defend the doctrines of Scripture with ‘ evidence ’ and ‘ confirmation ’ ( not that Ptolemy had ever had the remotest idea that his book would support the Bible ! ) .
12 It occurred at a time when abolitionist leaders hoped for improved treatment of slaves in the West Indies but had not focused on emancipation as an objective and had not specifically propagandised for it .
13 None of this necessarily involved fighting between French and British , but it came at a time when the British Company was revising its policy of relying on the Moghul Emperor and on the successes of Englishmen outside India to protect its position .
14 It came at a time when dislocation of the Latin American economies as a result of the First World War caused widespread unemployment and increasingly militant labour unrest .
15 It seemed at the time too obvious for extensive formulation , but had they spelt it out it would have amounted to something like 2 .
16 He arrived at a time when converging philosophical , political , scientific , and economic influences had inspired a number of English landowners to transform their estates into prosperous miniature centres for civilized living .
17 He gambled at a time when the Mob ran gaming , and he never expected to lose .
18 Still no acknowledgement was made and it grew near the time when Gigia would be setting out on her journey .
19 The UAE was reported to have reacted in a low-key manner to the Iranian takeover , coming as it did at a time when the Gulf states were hoping for improved relations with Iran .
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