Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [noun sg] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Members of the national and specialist press attended the launch of Head 's new Anatom System tennis shoe , which took place at the Roehampton Club during April .
2 It is his first gallery exhibition in this country for more than five years and follows the exhilarating survey which took place at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in 1989 .
3 This event , which took place at the Scarborough Congress in 1980 , epitomised the preceding years of change , as he spelt out in his farewell speech : The first BDA Congress I attended was nearly fifty years ago …
4 The targets which won support at the Geneva meeting involve reducing the gap between acid fallout and critical load by at least 50 per cent .
5 She studied midwifery at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris under Marie-Claude Pour for two years during the late 1740s .
6 Rather , it is to agree with his conclusion that , while for the articulate elite , like the artisans who constituted the Owenite membership of the National Union of Working Classes and Others and who debated reform at the London Rotunda , the kind of reform they wanted — annual parliaments , universal suffrage and the ballot — was just what Grey expressly denied .
7 The article was by Percy Hoskins , the greatest Commissioners of Police and thieves and villains , who drank champagne at the Caprice , had an apartment in park lane , was an intimate of Lord Beaverbrook , yet kept the common touch .
8 She says the setting is lovely , but when we saw hime at the Albert Hall he was superb — he 's not as good this evening .
9 We had tea at the Savoy together and I dropped Mrs Blaney at her Chelsea house before returning here at about half past five .
10 They had dinner at the Trocadero in Shaftesbury Avenue before taking in the late show at the Windmill Theatre .
11 Eventually he became manager at the Alton branch until the store closed in 1965 .
12 He studied law at the Moscow State University , and went on to become a full Communist Party member two years later , in nineteen fifty two .
13 He claimed funding at the Durham TEC would be cut by nearly £1m to £15.1m from April 1 a fall of 7.3 per cent .
14 He then writes that in the early part of 821/early 1418 , Molla Fenari appointed his younger son , Sinan al-Din Yusuf Bali Celebi ( Yusuf Bali ) , as naib for the kadilik of Bursa and with his elder son , Muhyi " l-Din Muhammad Shah Celebi ( Mehmed Sah Fenari ) , went directly to Egypt where he spent Ramadan at the Zayniyya medrese and awaited the arrival of Seyh Zeyneddin , with whom he subsequently made the pilgrimage in 822 , departing from , and returning to , Jerusalem .
15 He taught English at the Bredon Hill Middle School near Evesham , but was suspended from his duties when the allegations were made about his dealings with youngsters , who were not from the school .
16 Previously he taught mathematics at the REME base in Bordon .
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