Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] the [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I read in the papers last week benzene , the benzene is used in unleaded petrol .
2 And the girl comes to see me — has been comin' ever since I met with the accident last year .
3 I qualified for the B final .
4 When I got to the theatre next day someone had laid a dirty red carpet from the dressing-room door to the spot where I normally changed .
5 ‘ I was furious when I got to the hotel that morning to find you 'd already left .
6 I got to the chemist five minutes before closing time and the place was jam-packed with the elderly and respectable .
7 I got into the seat next to him and he quickly drove off , heading out of the village and down the road towards the Orne bridges , leaving a cloud of dust following close behind , no doubt attracting the attention of the German gunners and mortars a short distance away across the fields .
8 I sank into the chair next to him and groaned .
9 erm There is a general concern I think with multiple occupancy that there 's , a whole way of life of East Oxford is changing , and not for the better , and indeed I was part of this when I moved into the area ten years ago .
10 ‘ When I was 12 I won the one length freestyle , backstroke and breaststroke events at the local schools gala , but after that I concentrated on the backstroke most of the time . ’
11 As I think I mentioned on the phone posssible sources of information that I would suggest are :
12 I came to the school some time ago to investigate the giant eel and got lost .
13 I came to the House 12 years ago .
14 I played against the English nine times and they always had a very strong scrum .
15 ‘ But on our wedding day , I arrived at the church twenty minutes before you .
16 When I arrived at the GA European Open , I looked at the list of entrants for the Lancome Trophy to find that I was right at the bottom of the list of qualifiers with one week to go before the final selection .
17 So it was that just after 8.15 on the morning of Monday , May 6th , 1929 I arrived at the Times-Herald editorial offices and found the place locked up tight .
18 ( Copied from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , A.D. 1808 ) : Sir , According to your request , I send you an account of the facts I have ascertained , respecting a canal I discovered in the year 1803 in the medulla spinalis of the horse , bullock , sheep , hog and dog : and should it appear to you deserving of being laid before the Royal Society , I shall feel myself particularly obliged by having so great an honour conferred upon me .
19 But I met one girl by accident when I walked into the hostel one night and she was visiting another girl there .
20 As I walked to the hotel one of the Turkish rafters rushed towards me with a copy of Turkey 's most popular article about the first day of the trip with a picture of my good self and another British journalist , both wrapped in blankets looking forlorn .
21 I walked around the lake three times , looking for the gull .
22 Now , I served on the island many years later and became friendly with a host of people , and I personally researched a great deal on our raid when not a single bomb fell on the seaplane base .
23 I was subsequently paid to fly by the RAF ; after a lapse of 33 years I returned to the skies five years ago , when I could finally afford a share in a Cherokee which I now fly regularly from Ludham .
24 I confirm that I returned from the Gulf late last night .
25 I heard on the Radio 5 lunchtime sport report that O'Leary and Deane are both doubtful for the game tomorrow .
26 Alastair waved from the window and I collapsed into the compartment excited and laughing .
27 And that 's when I waved at the Guards major Nogin and set in motion the arrest of Ralph Pike .
28 Denis and I worked on the show each morning and on our final evening we performed it in ninety degree heat for a deeply moved and even more deeply biased audience of mutual families .
29 I called at the surgery first , but they said it was your weekend off , ’ he explained before she could say anything .
30 I called into the office first to bring myself up to date . ’
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