Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Judging by his expression , Clive had not been best pleased to find me ensconced in the Parsons ' sitting room that night .
2 I fled to the Students ' Union where , within a very few days , I found myself co-opted onto the Students ' Council .
3 I came over the Brownies ' Bridge .
4 I walked into the Shakespeares ' kitchen one evening , and there was Anne , with a red , angry face , shouting at the top of her voice .
5 I looked at the passengers ' faces .
6 In the autumn of 1959 I was eleven , and I went to the girls ' grammar school down the road .
7 Then I went to the carers ' meeting [ at the day centre ] and there was somebody there from CAB and they said ‘ You should have been getting it ages ago ’ .
8 Well , let me tell you , you 'll know which one it is in a second — I went back , obviously years later , and I was having my beer and I finally had to go to the loo and I went into the ladies ' room and there was a big sign saying ‘ Elizabeth Taylor sat here ’ .
9 An event that stands out occurred at Easter 1922 , just before I went into the Boys ' School .
10 Jerome Blum assigns the tsar pride of place in the list of factors which contributed to the serfs ' emancipation .
11 Within the government , local officials of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources have expressed misgivings over the fact that permission was granted at senior level despite the findings of environmental impact assessments which concurred with the environmentalists ' fears .
12 Fear of being ousted from Edward 's entourage by the king 's Poitevin half-brothers perhaps gave him a personal interest in the political upheaval of 1258 , which began with the half-brothers ' expulsion from England .
13 These differences are in turn related to variations in economic and socio-political conditions which existed during the unions ' formative period and in their subsequent historical development .
14 Like all left-wingers , Lowe loathed Wilson , who had been elected in 1974 on the back of the wave of industrial militancy which culminated in the miners ' strike of that year .
15 Edward IV himself fell into the rebels ' hands and was sent prisoner first to Warwick castle and then to the Nevilles ' northern stronghold of Middleham in Wensleydale .
16 Edward IV himself fell into the rebels ' hands and was sent prisoner first to Warwick castle and then to the Nevilles ' northern stronghold of Middleham in Wensleydale .
17 In 877 he imposed a levy on both peasants and nobles which discriminated in the peasants ' favour and seems to have provoked noble disaffection .
18 She stalked into the teachers ' room and returned with her cane .
19 Christie sat in the dock yesterday gently nodding as if she agreed with the judges ' decision to increase her sentence by 80 per cent .
20 The Spaniards and the Italians need only home wins to set up an intriguing revenge match between two talented Latin sides who met in the Cup-Winners ' Cup final in Berne three years ago .
21 She moved to the neighbours ' wall and sprayed ‘ fornicator ’ and ‘ debauchee ’ .
22 I think but continuing down the corridor erm which was all the Education Department , you came to the typists ' room right at the bottom of the corridor on the left
23 Could this be the J. Holton who played after the Caddies ' Match in 1912 ?
24 When you arrived in the Boys ' School , you quickly learned the rules .
25 Princes , he said , should not persecute discrepant opinions unless they were harmful ; all Christians who subscribed to the Apostles ' Creed should be tolerated , even Anabaptists , even Roman Catholics , for , though the latter 's doctrines were ‘ superstructures ill built and worse managed ’ , ‘ yet they keep the foundation ; they build upon God in Jesus Christ , they profess the Apostles ' Creed ’ .
26 She walked past the nurses ' cubicle unchecked .
27 She glanced at the winners ' enclosure .
28 One of her hobbies was anaesthetics , and she subscribed to an anaesthetists ' journal in which she had seen an advertisement for a chemist who outfitted doctors ' waiting-rooms and surgeries .
29 On Boxing Day , she returned to the Hamiltons ' , to learn from Mrs Porter that Bill was at the hospital , and that Dr Greene planned to discharge Faye that afternoon .
30 The women who worked in the butchers ' section distinguished themselves the most during that very special battle .
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