Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [v-ing] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She will recognize that the client is repeating himself or demanding a particular reaction from her .
2 And do you know , ’ he leaned across the table staring at me and tapping the open file softly with his huge fingers , ‘ if tomorrow I decide to release one of them , there will be over three times as much paper-work . ’
3 I remember dad running after me and having a long conversation trying to make me understand . ’
4 Tim is doing a one-year cabinetmaking course with me and paying a princely sum for the pleasure of doing it .
5 He knew thanks were required but the effort of offering them and making a satisfactory excuse seemed altogether too much .
6 ‘ You are very much mistaken , ’ he muttered , looking beyond them and keeping a close eye on his sister and Mitch as they rode along laughing and talking .
7 Of course it conflicts with the commercial urgency of producing something or gaining a new market .
8 And people say they noticed how tightly O was holding Boy , pulling him closer and closer to him , as if he was clutching at him ; and how he smelt Boy too , taking in big draughts of the air around him , as if he was a man just escaped from drowning holding onto something and pulling the sweet night air down into his lungs in great grateful gulps .
9 These he carried home , partly because the little room lacked storage space , partly to appease the secretive , magpie instinct which was part of his nature : he loved to keep , hide , obfuscate , cover his tracks ; he had fantasies in the watches of the night of other scholars stealing a march on him and publishing the definitive study of Walter Machin first ( though how that would be possible , in view of his privileged position , he would have been hard put to it to say ) .
10 ‘ You might fall asleep again , ’ he said , picking up a mug from the table beside him and taking a long swallow .
11 Sometimes Gina sat on the lavatory watching him and making a bad smell or laughing .
12 He turned and looked at his guard who was waiting tamely behind him and keeping an occasional look-out along the wire .
13 On April 21 , 10 ministers issued a statement to the chair of the Supreme Council , Vytautas Landsbergis , referring to Prime Minister Gediminas Vagnorius 's " dictatorial work style " , placing in doubt their future co-operation with him and asking the Supreme Council to examine ministerial and Prime Ministerial functions .
14 She did so , leaning slightly towards him and giving a surreptitious sniff .
15 Her head was cradled in the crook of Luke 's left arm and she lay contentedly , feeling the rhythm of Luke 's breathing beside her and watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest .
16 He was rapidly proved right ; Spain pledged herself in December to a Family Compact with France , forcing England , on 2 January 1762 , to declare war on her and reviving the old nightmare of a joint Franco-Spanish fleet sweeping up the Channel to land a papist army on English soil .
17 ‘ I need some tea and I 've got a thermos here , ’ he announced , getting out of the car without looking at her and opening the back door on his side to find the thermos which he had filled before starting off .
18 Antony Bourgois , 20 , of no fixed address , faces three charges — the attempted abduction of Lizzie Lamplugh , 22 , a publishing assistant , falsely imprisoning her and carrying an offensive weapon .
19 Her softened tone said she thought that this was very sweet of him , if a little unnecessary … and suddenly Tom himself was standing behind her and draping a light hand around her bare shoulders .
20 To my mind it 's a pity you did n't take that attitude when you were first made aware of the situation , because when I returned from next door you were still yelling your head off at her and painting a vivid picture of what her life would be with an illegitimate child tacked on to her .
21 Accuracy is best ensured by writing an exact description of what is seen while looking at it and checking the completed description before moving on .
22 You and Maria Luisa already living together , both feeling sorry for yourselves and finding a sympathetic shoulder to cry on . ’
23 And it , it does sound , I , I must say we 've , we 've having flowers everywhere and I think the whole evening 's going to be very nice and we 're looking forward to everybody enjoying themselves and having a good time .
24 ‘ If you 're really enjoying yourself and having a good time , you do n't really notice the camera . ’
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