Example sentences of "[pron] [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] place " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps a better title might be how to prevent things going wrong , on the argument you know that prevention is better than cure and rather than trying to put problems right which have already happened , it might be better to try to prevent them happening in the first place .
2 This non-drying adhesive stays very sticky for months and can be squeezed out onto a strip of tape around benches , staging , individual pots , or even across doorways to prevent them walking in the first place .
3 Endill watched Tock make a hole in the wall , holding his hammer with both hands to stop it banging in the wrong place .
4 This is what one would expect in a process that feeds back positively on itself , further promoting the conditions that got it going in the first place .
5 Filling the pipe with sand will help to prevent it breaking in the wrong place .
6 Since the downfall of military regimes in South America and elsewhere provide clear evidence that no political structure relying solely on coercion can hope to survive for long , we should not be surprised to find that the most effective form of social control involves attempts not to crush opposition but to stop it arising in the first place : that is , by the control of people 's ideas , rather than of their actions .
7 That was what set me thinking in the first place . ’
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