Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] there [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I lay there on the couch and shuddered at the very thought .
2 I lay there for a minute recovering my cool and then headed for the back door .
3 I lay there in a sort of wonderment , listening to a rich world of sound about me .
4 The scene faded and I lay there in a limbo land between that world and this .
5 Rather as it looked when I lay there in the dark , wedged between the changed Herta and the cold wall , in full confidence of erotic failure .
6 I lay there in the Bomb Circle where I killed her other son , and I hoped that she was dead , too .
7 I sit there for a bit longer , till I finish my coffee , then I decide to go out and have a look round the station .
8 I sit there in the laboratory , ’ says Phil , ‘ trying to think how people go , and I ca n't remember .
9 I stand there for a second , before stepping back .
10 Whatever the activity , I still see this as the old style … it 's teacher-led from that point of view in that they rely on me to start them off and I mean it 's almost as if I stand there with a gun and say ‘ Go ! ’
11 All I am conscious of , as I stand there with the page in my hand , is that here at last are the two terms of my inquiry , Strategy and Summerchild , united by the same sheet of paper .
12 Whereas I lie there in the night with an expired passport , pushing a baggage trolley with a squeaking wheel across to the wrong carousel .
13 Yeah , but it 's very , it 's well , can , I do n't suppose it can be , I might of had one of the speakers out but I know there in the back of the speakers , you had this loft insulation it 's full of that
14 And I could put myself down as in case I get there for a day or two .
15 But I mean you know he 's a workaholic and he expects everybody to be the same and then he works in there by the time I get there in the morning he works , works solidly right through until I leave there at night , you know .
16 I live there with a man I love .
17 There 's a sort of metal fence I can sit on , so I rest there for a bit and watch the ducks and that .
18 I can sort out everything I need there in the morning .
19 And you sit there like a dog chained to a stake fixed in the past , mouthin' your worn-out shibboleths , still full of hate for England and your Church , too arrogant to make your peace with God .
20 You lie there on the floor .
21 It 's an accident on the M Six , and er now if you look there in a moment you 'll see a car come out of control up through there .
22 you go there to the left towards Grange-over- Sands
23 ‘ I speak not only of the Army — although as Colonel Moore knows probably better than I , the acts of heroism you see there in the face of pain — wounds , cuts , torn limbs ’ — he looked at Mrs Crump ; she swayed slightly — ‘ severed arteries , gashed heads ’ — Mrs Moore was unaffected — ‘ and all the terrible lacerations and disfigurements received on the human body in modern warfare ’ — Miss D'Arcy nodded ; she was intrigued — ‘ but I speak of the self-inflicted torments of the Indian , the Negro and the Mussulman . ’
24 We stand there for a second or two .
25 ‘ We must make sure we get there before the start of the programme , ’ said Maggie , giving Susan a wink .
26 Noises of chopping reached them as they lay there in the morning , feeling stiff and foul .
27 They spread there from the area of the Aegean at about the same time as the Israelite tribes themselves moved into the land from the east .
28 And they stop there for a bit , when they 've gone past the start .
29 When they crested a wooded hill shortly before sunset and saw cultivated fields stretching down towards a small village in the distance it took all her will-power not to beg that they stop there for the night .
30 They all s they stand there at the door going lighter as if it matters they have to get off the train with a cigarette in their mouth or they 're uncool , some shit like this
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