Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] about the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you 've followed the plot so far , you 'll see what I mean about the conglomeration of bits and pieces from different instruments that have been amassed for this guitar .
2 I forget about the flash of white .
3 SOON after leaving hospital following an urgent operation for cancer of the stomach I read about the ordeal of Dr Nigel Cox who gave a lethal injection to a suffering patient .
4 No , it was n't until I read about the murder in the paper that I thought any more about it .
5 ‘ I 've always been very aware that I needed to give something back after this experience and when I read about the appeal for people prepared to give homes to the Bosnians , I decided it was time I stepped in . ’
6 I know about the scourge of unemployment , because my family suffered badly from it .
7 We corresponded , and he taught me almost all I know about the conductivity of electricity and its effect on those bodies through which it passes .
8 I know about the deal on the paintings .
9 I know about the seal of confession .
10 I accept that one can make some criticisms about Labour local authorities , but what I dislike about the Secretary of State 's usual contribution is that it is so cliche d , simplistic and grotesque .
11 I speculate about the number of hours Fairfax has spent , drink in hand , on insect-bombarded verandahs and stoeps .
12 I ask about the price of an old writing table .
13 I think about the mood of Greece ,
14 They are n't , and I wonder about the mentality of their keepers. — .
15 I wonder about the family of my sister 's friend .
16 To explain just why , you will have to bear with me while I explain about the naming of modern medical potions .
17 It is precisely because I care about the future of humanity that I am undertaking this work . ’
18 I care about the quality of jobs I do
19 ‘ If you mean about the girl in the car , she says there was no girl .
20 And If what you say about the state of his finances is true then he 'd have every reason for faking his death to escape the music .
21 ‘ I 've wondered about the implications of the placing of the head in the font , ’ Theodora said thoughtfully , ‘ and what you say about the possibility of its being a symbolic gesture .
22 You worry about the size of your penis .
23 ‘ Forget all you read about the glamour of Television .
24 On page 74 you read about the procedure for giving change .
25 So next time you complain about the price of products in the supermarket , remember what you do n't have to pay for .
26 English painters who complain about the persistence of green should imagine a landscape that for hours on end is the bright colour of Heinz tomato soup , spiked with the burnt black twigs of the wattle bushes and bottlebrush trees .
27 Leakey said he tells farmers who complain about the cost of chemicals to employ labourers to clear pests .
28 So there are a host of clues there if you like about the sort of things that people will actually do and these are all underlaid by an attitude .
29 And they tell the story you know about the Welshman from or erm or somewhere , emigrating to America and heard about all his life as being the great Welsh centre .
30 ‘ Tell me what you know about the chap off the telly .
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