Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] up [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I catch up with Isabella in the rehearsal room , I am surprised to find her still a little shaken .
2 Even now as a manager he 's still very passionate about it and I look up to people like that . ’
3 I go up to London for half a day , get myself a job , and what do I find when I get home , eh ?
4 If I end up in bed with Rory I 'll have a lovely time and then I 'll quit .
5 Finally , he makes considerable use of ‘ natural experiments ’ , the sociological , or in this case literary , device , of studying those natural contrasts which crop up from time to time .
6 This consists of income support allowances and premiums , which add up to £46.10 for a single person , and £71.85 for a couple , plus the actual cost of rent and rates .
7 The good news is that , even in the minority of cases where the only solution is to leave your job and try your luck elsewhere , it is unusual for a dispute to arise that is so serious that you finish up in front of a judge or an industrial tribunal .
8 The people who end up with detectors on the SSC will be benefiting from a huge American investment ( attempts to raise money abroad are meeting with little success ) and they will be in a position to dominate American particle physics for a decade , so such considerations carry some weight .
9 And you end up with loads of paper .
10 Only it holds onto the hairs so much that it rips them out so that you end up with legs with no hairs on it but ah !
11 The quest for excellence does n't stop in the examination room ; training is an on-going process for MLA members who keep up to date with new technological advances in the security industry by attending weekend and annual conventions .
12 John Jay Hopkins , creator of the World Cup , would have approved of this year 's American team because Fred Couples and Davis Love III , who tee up in Madrid on November 5 , represent the best from the New World in 1992 .
13 It is for the benefit of the inspectors who come up from Paris for the biannual audits .
14 if you take up outside employment during your career with ES — even if this employment has no connection with your work for the ES .
15 Go through the You take the book home , and you come up with ideas for the next meeting .
16 Employees who donate up to £480 to charity through their pay at work will receive tax relief .
17 What are the skills that we need when we stand up in front of people to actually deliver what we have to say
18 Our research also told us that the Student 's Book had to be in colour , so we took out the pictures and began again — using two pictures instead of one wherever possible — so that we stay up to date with the latest modifications to the Interview , Paper 5 .
19 Eventually we end up with samples of people who have had children baptized at two Anglican churches , one in a middle-class area , the other in a working-class area , over the past year .
20 So in progressing through there , and I 'm sorry we have n't done it this way , we end up in terms of the County Council figure of nine seven hundred for Greater York , possible er provision from , collectively from the districts of about fourteen hundred , fifteen hundred short .
21 We turn up to funerals in everyday clothes , we refuse to let people send flowers so there is no opportunity for a communal expression of feeling , we are reluctant to take more than one day off work on the grounds that we 're better getting on with life as if weeping and mourning had no part in real life .
22 We pull up in front of the shack .
23 When we come up to date with the recent rise of ‘ law and order ideology ’ encouraged by politicians of the Right , Marxists need have little difficulty perceiving whose interests are being served ( Hall et al. , 1979 ; Hall 1979 , 1990 ) .
24 A significant number of them end up in jail for long prison terms , often at an age when less adventurous corporate executives are retiring to the golf course .
25 They make up in quality for their comparatively small area .
26 When I sit down they billow up in front of me and I look as if I 've got a water melon under there .
27 ‘ I 'm interested in being part of a subversive band of people who live or die by what they put up in front of an audience .
28 Your two crystals grow visibly : they break up from time to time and the pieces also grow .
29 Sleep is commonly disturbed in one way or another : some people nod off as soon as they get home and sit down ; they wake up at midnight with the TV still on — and then ca n't get back to sleep again till 3am ; some people find it impossible to wake up in the morning and getting out of bed is a real struggle ; others are awake at half-past four in the morning with their brains buzzing and churning ; some people find themselves getting very sleepy when difficult or anxiety-making things happen .
30 A list of only the more common villains and what they get up to reads like a catalogue of horrors enough to intimidate anyone and put them off rose-growing for all time .
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