Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pn reflx] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sarah : I define myself as a socialist lesbian feminist , but of course that in some sense begs more questions than it answers .
2 I see myself as a voluntary servant of the composer , not as his slave .
3 This degree is an exciting new venture , and I see myself as the first of many lay people who will benefit from the training here ’ .
4 You describe yourself as an intuitive rather than an analytical collector ; has this changed at all over the years ?
5 But if you regard yourself as an experienced dBase user , if you have dBase files and you want to major on your dBase knowledge , dBase remains your best bet .
6 You see yourself as the mysterious contessa in flowing black veil and wheelchair , delicate white hand with long red nails offered up for kissing . )
7 Alan Calladine added : ‘ We class ourselves as a working railway museum and are prepared to develop any aspect of the railway scene .
8 We see ourself as the biggest club in Britain , with a stadium to match , and we feel we are among the top five clubs in Europe .
9 We see ourselves as a one-stop shop , ’ said .
10 We see ourselves as a major event , not just a sailing event , ’ says Blyth .
11 Chay Blyth — ‘ We see ourselves as a major international event ’
12 And that goes back to what I said earlier , in that we just do n't see ourselves working internally , in meetings , in negotiations and report binding , with erm , with other officer 's , we see ourselves as a vocal point to get in information out , to , to people , erm and working with people , erm , and that 's erm again a major part of the work we do and just as an example of something that we provide , this is erm , this is the hidden divide , the bulletin of Harlow 's Anti Poverty Strategy Group , this is the latest edition , and it 's just an update on erm impact of eh living in Britain in nineteen ninety one today , the people who are on low income , but we , we 've produced that quarterly , erm , but there , we produce loads of leaflets , were always producing leaflets , and basically if there 's a major piece of legislation there be , there be something worth getting use on it .
13 In the process of reading the images they construct themselves as a particular kind of audience .
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