Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [to-vb] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I intend to start with the Dwarf Angel , and after three months I will put in a very young Regal Tang , which I would keep until it is three inches long .
2 ‘ Gottle a geer ’ Gazza would undoubtedly be a tremendous asset to the team , but after Silvers recent professions of poverty , I tend to agree with the Guardian that this is a ‘ We are still a big club ’ smokescreen .
3 Denis Healey is another politician I admire , and I tend to agree with the view that he is the best leader the Labour Party never had .
4 I want to live with the living .
5 Whereas I seek to go with the flow .
6 In the next Journal I hope to deal with the correspondence relating to the great flood , which closed the Railway on the 13th & 14th May 1886 .
7 I hope to meet with the CAA in the next 10 days and we might be able to tie everything up within a few weeks , ’ he said .
8 ‘ With Joan Armatrading , we did 2–3000 seaters , and that just worked fantastically , especially as I like to communicate with the audience , and people these days are n't used to that .
9 ‘ The style of rugby here suits me because I love to run with the ball in the hands ’ , he said .
10 ‘ But I 'm not sure I wish to comply with the Baronne 's request . ’
11 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
12 No disrespect to Philip Young , the conductor , or to any of the performers , but I have to agree with the member of the audience sitting behind me who commented that it seemed more of a damp squib than a big band !
13 WHILE my heart goes out to the parents in the baby-swop drama , I have to agree with the midwife interviewed on TV who said that it was ‘ a disaster waiting to happen ’ .
14 And I promise to help with the washing up . ’
15 Two of them do reach results which appear to conflict with the wording , and for which no good reason can be found other than the one they give themselves : that this was the testator 's intention .
16 Mr Collins told The Independent : ‘ These are long standing , difficult , complex , sensitive issues relating to security , which have to do with the preservation of life or acts which result in the deaths of innocent people .
17 The answer can be divided into three parts , the first two of which have to do with the relationship between evolution and embryonic development .
18 I should like to consider momentarily the application of such an approach to the various ( conflicting ) new testament verses which have to do with the status of women .
19 [ I ] f you intend to cope with the jungle out there , you need to make the Wall Street Journal and similar publications such as The Economist your favourite comic books . ’
20 If you intend to proceed with the appeal on your own , you should contact me for a copy of the relevant parts of the Sheriff Court process .
21 If you want to deal with the issue face to face , ask for an appointment , either in the local office or for an officer to visit you in your home .
22 Well you follow up what you want to do with the company when you 've thought about what I 've said to you
23 For anyone seriously looking at the desktop publishing market it is vital that you have a clear understanding of what you want to do with the technology , regardless of the actual hardware or software .
24 Never say that there are no particular reasons why you want to work with the company .
25 You can alter the numbers by : - 1 ) Highlighting the part you want to change with the mouse and typing in the new value ( the old value is automatically deleted ) .
26 Paul shouts angrily and loudly at smaller children who want to play with the toys he is using .
27 ‘ It 's all about how you manage to cope with the success , ’ he explains
28 The Edinburgh University Health Service provides comprehensive general practice care under the National Health Service for all eligible students who choose to register with the service .
29 The Service consists of six general practitioners who provide comprehensive medical care under the National Health Service for all members of the Edinburgh University community and their dependants who choose to register with the practice .
30 Finally , there are those subjects — like English , history and philosophy — which provide critical intellectual training of a kind that will prove invaluable , whatever you choose to do with the rest of your life .
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