Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [to-vb] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Q. Blanket weed caused me tremendous problems in my Koi pond last summer , and I want to avoid the same thing happening this year .
2 See I want to get the same sort of material though as what the other liners , I want to stick the two liners together to make all one great big pond you see right the way across the garden but the other pond might be about two foot deep , this one 's gon na go down
3 I want to catch the same train out you see
4 If I try to enter the same thing , it does n't work .
5 Do you think Mummy will say I have to wear the same dress ?
6 Not that I have to make the same choices as someone I acknowledge to be more discriminating , since my differently constituted palate may react differently , but my own choice will be better informed if I heed nuances which I would have missed if he had not pointed them out .
7 Now that we have looked at Wharram Percy deserted village and seen something of the 30-year long excavations there , we should look at other studies and excavations on village sites which seem to suggest the same developments implied at Wharram Percy .
8 An early temple in Sicily had a huge terracotta Gorgon-mask in the gable-centre ; and groups of fighting animals , which seem to have the same function , adorn other early pediments .
9 This city is just a collection of villages which happen to share the same map reference . ’
10 With a traditional spreadsheet , if you 've got 5,000 product types , and you want to perform the same calculation on each — for instance subtract the costs from the sale price — you have to duplicate the formula 5,000 times .
11 However , it could be that you want to send the same information to TV , radio , national dailies , the local evening paper and the weekly trade journals .
12 You want to make the same point ?
13 ‘ Still , I have seven mediums who appear to see the same thing , with variations , of course — seven people will always see an event differently .
14 The Czechoslovak voucher scheme , which will apportion shares in state enterprises to the general public , was received with scepticism by the Poles ( who want to do the same thing a different way ) and with disdain by the Hungarians ( who think state enterprises should simply be sold ) .
15 ‘ Somehow you manage to achieve the same goals , ’ said T.E .
16 Seeing as you only like bands who seem to have the same attitudes as you , I 'm sure you will be pleased to know there is a band called Guns N' Roses who have this same attitude .
17 If you continue to eat the same kind of foods , and only increase your intake to the normal 2,000 mark by eating a little bit more of the same , life and the measuring tape should hold no terrors for you .
18 About 16 000 000 visits are made each year by town and city folk who come to use the same landscape .
19 If you wish to follow the same route successfully you will need a reference of some sort and the Ponzo C tutor is a very good source of information .
20 SIR — Being 18 , able-bodied and a keen sportswoman , I understand the satisfaction and pleasure that sport can bring , and consequently feel empathy for those with physical disabilities who wish to gain the same satisfaction and recognition from their chosen sports .
21 It 's the monotony I do n't like — it 's repetitive and you have to do the same things each day .
22 And then you have to do the same thing again for the second line look
23 You have to repeat the same size cut on the rootstock stem but , as it will probably be a slightly different thickness , you will not need to cut in quite so deeply ( the object is to take out a shield shape that the bud will fit as perfectly as possible ) .
24 But you should cast to the swim using a silhouette marker on the horizon , thus giving you practice for when you have to use the same silhouette for guidance in darkness .
25 For 2 × 2 rib you have to follow the same procedure as above , but make sure you turn the HP lever from H to P. This should do the trick .
26 What 's more , if you have to buy the same machine for more money elsewhere , you can also claim the difference in price from the original supplier .
27 You have to have the same proportion next time .
28 Test Pack 2 simply provides an alternative to Test Pack 1 — especially useful if you need to test the same student again , at a later date .
29 Very often you need to use the same group of program instructions at several different places within your program .
30 However , if you are going to do this , then you need to set the same ACLs on all the relevant files .
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