Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 's nothing Jack loathes more than reading some publication in which I 've referred to him as a saint and I 'm sure Reggie feels the same way .
2 I 've bowled to him for two days and I ca n't get him , ’ he explained , ‘ so I just want to loosen up . ’
3 I 've finished with him for ever .
4 I 've worked with him for nearly two years .
5 I 've worked with him in lots of hard places . ’
6 Er , it 's like , it 's like the foreman on the shopfloor for some reason , there 's a er , in the systems or whatever , er , the warehouseman er , the night porter er , when he takes over , he knows what he 's doing , he knows what I want , because I 've spoken to him about it , erm , he knows what items I want to leave for stock people , erm , and Sue , the checkout manager , she 'll know if I want extra people on the shopfloor because we 're quiet , or I expect it to be quiet , erm , she knows where they 've got to be , and I 'll come back and review it with her .
7 I 've spoken to him in the past about making the place over to you .
8 It was the first time I 've spoken to him in years . ’
9 Or like I 've , I 've slept with him in tents and stuff but not in a bed .
10 He 's so bloated and , I mean I have n't seen him , I said I 've , I 've talked to him on the phone .
11 I 've talked to him about it . ’
12 I 've talked with him on the telephone and with any luck he should be over here on Monday .
13 Will he carefully consider the representations that I have sent to him on that subject ?
14 During the last Employment Question Time , the hon. Gentleman asked me about job clubs in his constituency , and I have written to him about the matter .
15 That is the only case of the thousands of cases that I have raised with him to which he has said yes .
16 I have worked for him for more than three years and have come to admire him both as a doctor and a man .
17 I am sure that the Secretary of State for Scotland will appreciate that I have corresponded with him about the fact that the Local Government Finance Bill is a United Kingdom Bill .
18 Let me give you one scripture in closing , in two Timothy chapter one and verse twelve , the apostle says , for this reason , he says I suffer these things but I am not ashamed , for I know whom I have believed , and I am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day .
19 I 'm convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day .
20 If they had important people like er such as Mark and his wife , the pianist , erm you 've heard of him of course .
21 They told me at the hospital that you 've worked with him in the past , so I thought you might be able to help me with my general enquiries . ’
22 The decision to place Gareth in the care of his grandparents , who have looked after him in the past while his mother was working , was taken by Strathclyde Regional Council 's social work department .
23 Those who have worked with him during the time that he has been in his present post have come to admire the hard work , courage and assiduity with which he has pursued the object of bringing the parties within the island of Ireland to sit down with the British Government and resolve their differences .
24 To achieve the rank of finalist is not only an honour for himself but he feels that it is shared with those who have worked with him in the team .
25 In recent years , after an earlier period of reaction , most of the leading German theologians have been post-Barthian in the sense that while they have departed from him in various ways , they have nevertheless taken a basic orientation from him .
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