Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [not/n't] [vb infin] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 I do not see them at all .
2 I do n't blame her at all .
3 I do n't blame him at all
4 I do n't blame you at all .
5 I do n't restrict myself at all .
6 I do n't fancy it at all , Captain . ’
7 The other three more closely fit the latter than the former model : Mrs Mitchell 's daughter wanted her mother admitted permanently to the local psychiatric hospital ( knowing that she would not be eligible for residential care because of the severity of her condition ) ; but she also added — ‘ not that I do n't want her at home too — I love my mother — it 's just that the strain is too much for me ’ .
8 I do n't regret it at all , ’ says Nigel firmly .
9 Mothers should be able to say ‘ I do n't love you at this time ’ instead of the belief that ‘ I am your mother , therefore , I love you ’ which we are all programmed to believe .
10 Well , not necessarily , sometimes I do n't tell them at all or they comment on it and I explain , it 's a , but it 's only been yesterday and today you see really .
11 I do n't mention it at dinner parties or evening drinks because people shift away from me or say ’ I must circulate ’ .
12 , but if I do n't do it at half term it would be left to the end .
13 If I do n't pass it at the third time I 'm just gon na give up cos I 'm not failing more
14 I do n't write it at all , ’ said Joe .
15 I do n't dislike it at all but er
16 They all just go past me with their baked beans and their fish fingers and washing powder and chocolate biscuits , and my fingers punch the right figures on the till and I do n't see them at all .
17 I du n no erm , no I do n't like them at all it 's in fact I 'm not even impressed with it I mean you look at the people with G six hundred and you look at the fifty six
18 I do n't like them at all .
19 no I do n't like them at all he says , now my doctor had been given me this one
20 I do n't like him at all , and if he was going to be the next Frank Lloyd Wright , I could n't care less , and it would n't change my opinion of him as a man , which is that he 's — ’
21 I do n't like him at all .
22 I do n't like her at all .
23 I do n't like it at all . ’
24 I do n't like it at all , ’ said Rhoda .
25 I do n't like it at all that much .
26 I do n't like it at all .
27 I do n't like it at all .
28 Oh well , now I do n't ask him at night because Is that i is we hardly have any sleep .
29 I do n't understand it at all . ’
30 I do n't understand it at all .
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