Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [not/n't] [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've not seen him for twenty years .
2 I 've not seen him for some time . ’
3 I 've not seen him since the split . ’
4 I have n't seen him for months . ’
5 Mind you , I have n't seen him for sixteen years .
6 I have n't seen him for so long .
7 I have n't seen him for three years or so .
8 Oh I was very , I have n't seen him for a while , being ill you do n't , but er , he was always sending messages of good will when I was in hospital .
9 I have n't seen him for ages .
10 I have n't seen him for simply ages , have you ? ’
11 Instead of having Matt to myself , when I have n't seen him for months and months , I have to share him with this wretched woman who ca n't get her act together !
12 I have n't seen him for a day or two , ’ said the girl , ‘ but he usually comes in about now . ’
13 I 'm not very good with people and , even though Eric is my brother , I have n't seen him for over two years , since he went crazy .
14 I have n't seen him for many years . ’
15 I have n't seen him for some time . ’
16 I have n't seen him for a while actually .
17 I have n't seen him for two days .
18 I have n't seen him for ages .
19 I have n't seen him since — well , not to talk to .
20 I have n't seen him since yesterday morning . ’
21 I have n't seen him since this morning . ’
22 I have n't seen him since school , I think . ’
23 I have n't seen him since
24 Cos I , I have n't seen him at all .
25 If I think about it I have n't seen him at all .
26 I have n't seen him at all .
27 I have n't seen him outside college , honestly Ken . ’
28 I have n't seen him in years , but he wo n't have changed .
29 I have n't seen him in here
30 I have n't housed him for nothing .
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