Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [adv prt] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At this stage the fish were all a dull brown which I put down to the new environment — the photograph I has seen showed a tan coloured upper body smothered with black patches .
2 I walk up to the lefthand end of this street , where it emerges in Trafalgar Square , and check the name : Spring Gardens .
3 I walk up to the main building along a path of large brown stones with the shape and texture of unleavened bread .
4 I sidle up to the older cop .
5 If I look up to the blue sky , as yet I must when it is blue and bright suddenly , it is in spite of the heavy limb and relaxing back that will drag me down or cause me to hasten home .
6 At the top of the dry valley I scramble down to the green path , following the old hedge of thorns and elders , pointing the way , beckoning me onwards as I descend the gently curving path down the rolling hillside .
7 Once I get on to a good thing I keep it going until I run out of luck .
8 Now I only hope I get off to a winning start with Leeds . ’
9 That was , that was the only thing I , I thought well if I get off to the wrong start , you 're off on the wrong start completely so yes I , I concede that I was nervous at the , at the beginning .
10 I point out to the hon. Gentleman that the 1981 Act is now steadily being made more effective , that more resources are being made available every year and that parents are becoming more and more aware of their rights under that Act .
11 I point out to the hon. Member for Ogmore that the Sunday trading laws could be suspended only by primary legislation .
12 I turn back to the white man 's earnest justification and go and make a cup of tea .
13 As the sea is calm I turn in to a narrow cleft on the headland , cutting the engine and gliding in between the faces of grey rock to let my passengers get the flavour of the sights and sounds of a Shetland geo .
14 I du n no what to do now so I go up to the big electric sign board and have a look at it .
15 I go round to the three people for whom I 'm a key worker .
16 I go over to the long mirror and have a look .
17 If I go back to the diagonal layer , quite often I get a question .
18 So it was maybe a half-hour before I go back to the main adobe .
19 As I burst on to the empty platform , the train starts to pull away .
20 I think back to the scented summer night
21 Before I move on to a fuller description of helicopter radios , let's summarise the above :
22 If things go badly , I move on to the next thing and do n't beat myself up
23 It is carried against , and so I come back to the new erm section being proposed by Professor on anti-semitism and concurred by the convenor , Dr , and put it to the assembly .
24 When I reach out to the big mug of coffee on the table , it is cold , and I wonder how long I 've been asleep .
25 Unlike baby goslings which lock on to the first moving object in sight , the newborn baby will be relatively undiscriminating about who tends his needs for the first three or four months of life .
26 Ophiolimna bairdi can easily be distinguished from O. lineata by a number of features : the disk is covered with granules , not spinelets ; which extend on to the oral frame ; the oral shield is a large triangle and the oral papillae have a different shape and arrangement ( see p. 60 )
27 The disk is round covered with a dense coating of low hemispherical granules which extend on to the ventral interradial area ; disk diameter is 4 mm .
28 From Dr Jaffery 's rooftop you could look out , past the anonymous walls which face on to the Old Delhi lanes , and see into the shady courtyards and the gardens which form the real heart of the Old City .
29 These constraints lead decision-makers to deviate considerably from the comprehensive rationality model , but in six ways which add up to a positive theory of decision-making .
30 Neither side has given any estimate of the extent of the anticipated cuts but the expectation is that hundreds of the 2,200 jobs , which add up to a monthly £2 million pay bill , will have to be sacrificed .
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