Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I mean for the first time there 's a erm a sort of Asian wholesale supermarket .
2 When Eva had gone and I lay for the first time in the same house as Charlie and Eva and my father , I thought about the difference between the interesting people and the nice people .
3 I speak for the first time .
4 Now I die for the last time .
5 ‘ Whenever the far end of an active edge A and the near end of an inactive edge I meet for the first time , if I satisfies A 's conditions for extension , then build a new edge as follows :
6 At the Lochy Bar in Caol ( pronounced cool ) just outside Fort William , Martin and I meet for the first time .
7 Till , I suppose till the same time tomorrow I suppose .
8 before so I lent them , so he 's gone in I go by the same time as him we both got ta sign them
9 I think about the same time as Walter for the war was declared when we were down there on the third of September .
10 And I think at the present time , all of us on the right are more concerned about getting the economy right and cutting government expenditure that carrying on with er schemes of a privatization that might or might not succeed .
11 Certainly the request of staff then could turn into of the panel erm but but I think at the same time if people want to look at the structure so that they have a complete view of the structural organisation
12 I have at the same time suggested that Benjamin 's own aesthetics were very much a postmodernist aesthetics .
13 The Special Discount is being continued on the same basis ( see page 2 ) and for those policies which qualify for the first time the increase is offset by approximately 6% .
14 We ask that you will guide the electors in their voting , not just for the president , but in all the other elections which happen at the same time , that Your will may be done there .
15 So the spring flowers which bloom at the same time each year , and the swifts and swallows which return so precisely to their nest sites , are clearly responding to a more dependable guide .
16 Two expiry times are specified in the configuration file which relate to the last time the module was entered or read from LIFESPAN ; ie. the ‘ time since last access ’ .
17 If you 're in any doubt about it , do n't — you 'll do less harm if you leave it than if you prune at the wrong time .
18 So if you look at the next time you 're in the loo
19 Like tourists who visit for the first time , it seemed our resident rabbits sensed the tranquil harmony that is the essence of this tiny unspoilt paradise in the Mediterranean .
20 It 's best if you keep to the same time each week for regular activities , though be prepared to be flexible about it .
21 If you tack at the right time , when the wind slightly changes in direction , large amounts of ground can be made over those who are oblivious to the shift .
22 Their heroes reflect their psychological needs ; disappointed by the weak father , they not only look for a strong one but try to identify with men who fulfil at the same time infantile and sadistic fantasies , such as Che Guevara or Mao Tsetung …
23 You belong to the good times … there were some had to be .
24 I understand erm Mr because you realize in the short time that wording has been in the brochure , that it would not be possible to keep the management charges at the level of inflation or below it
25 In this paper we report for the first time the isolation of cDNA for a zebrafish POU family gene which is ubiquitously expressed during embryogenesis .
26 Importantly , we report for the first time the ability to directly and effectively transfect cells in a growth arrested state .
27 We report for the first time the successful lithotripsy of a calcified cystic duct stone despite these relative and absolute contraindications in a patient with Crohn 's disease .
28 Er , obviously on a more serious note , er it was very disappointing that we had such a severe er downturn in profitability last year after several years of steadily rising profits , and so what I want to do this morning was tell you a little bit about what happened in the last part of the year , since we met at the time of the interim results presentation last September , tell you the actions that have been taken and give you a little bit of insight as to where we stand at the present time .
29 Here we demonstrate for the first time that TFIIA is also involved in the expression of classical pol III genes ( t-RNA , VAI-RNA and 5S-RNA ) .
30 Romantic love gives us a glimmer of something that we remember during the sticky times , and it 's only when the sticky times begin that real love starts to take over .
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