Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Q. Blanket weed caused me tremendous problems in my Koi pond last summer , and I want to avoid the same thing happening this year .
2 See I want to get the same sort of material though as what the other liners , I want to stick the two liners together to make all one great big pond you see right the way across the garden but the other pond might be about two foot deep , this one 's gon na go down
3 I want to catch the same train out you see
4 If I try to enter the same thing , it does n't work .
5 I 've seen the same kind of thing in the Sorcery Chambers at Tara .
6 But I 've , what I 'm saying Rod is I 've done the same thing
7 I 've been I 've been advised chair that I 've made the same mistake as you did so .
8 I 've shared the same ball as Waqar and Wasim all series , so why have n't I had the same degree of success ?
9 I 've had the same dream , ’ she said .
10 I 've had the same look for the last 7–8 years and during that time I 've put on some weight .
11 I 've had the same sort of experience in Germany where Everybody 's Somebody 's Fool was re-released and was a big hit all over again . ’
12 You do n't though you have n't got the same shape as me I 've got the same shape as her big hip bum no , big hip bones
13 got first which I 'll get a different trophy from last year cos I 've got the same trophy for two years .
14 Can I just a minute , because I 've got the same feeling .
15 resources and her own houses in America , and I 've got the same thing here .
16 I took on this franchise 2 years ago and I 've got the same amount of customers now as I had then .
17 So I have written the same column for 15 years . ’
18 Do you think Mummy will say I have to wear the same dress ?
19 However , they are so often held back with comments such as ‘ you are too young ’ , ‘ we can not trust you ’ , ‘ your time will come ’ — time and time again I have heard the same complaint by those who have achieved their goals at an early age .
20 I have noticed the same response with sensitive people on their very first flight when they are trying out the elevator .
21 Professor Kelling used the term first for Carboniferous deposits on the Moroccan Meseta , but I have seen the same sort of thing in Jurassic carbonates on the Polish foreland and they have been described from many other horizons and areas , though not previously interpreted in this way .
22 No doubt there are those who have seen fear on my face in certain circumstances in this campaign , just as I have seen the same fear on their faces in the same circumstances .
23 I have had the same trouble now and again , but if I control my jaw when I yawn it does not happen so much .
24 So I have to say that though I at this moment very close to this in the smallest county of England I have also had experience in three other major counties in mainland England er and I have found the same experience the difficulty of finding people who will even be councillors or magistrates , let alone these other jobs that the er that the er Home Secretary seeks to find .
25 For twenty years I have known the same man and yet still I do not know him .
26 I mean i i the new innovation is just coming round today I see starting the same thing all over again , you 're weighing your own products at the .
27 An early temple in Sicily had a huge terracotta Gorgon-mask in the gable-centre ; and groups of fighting animals , which seem to have the same function , adorn other early pediments .
28 This city is just a collection of villages which happen to share the same map reference . ’
29 ‘ So ye 've reached the same conclusion as Ah have , that Mario Ángel Gómez is the navigator she referred to as the man who can lead her to that icebound ship .
30 And this is more than can be said for the majority of other books which have exploited the same theme : that of man battling away , amid ignorance and fear , against some novel , lethal , unknown microorganism .
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