Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [verb] out in the " in BNC.

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1 I mean turn out in the er in , in in er er European elections was er in nineteen eighty four it was thirty two percent and in nineteen er eighty nine , thirty seven percent .
2 I hate going out in the carriage , ’ I said quickly .
3 caught on one and I want to ring out in the other at the same time I can use it .
4 That 's what I try to bring out in the story , and the eyes of the whites ; their penetrating eyes , their hostile eyes .
5 I do sit out in the sun occasionally , but I make sure I 'm well protected .
6 I 've seen out in the street mountive er mounted police charging down rather like the Battle of Balaclava and inside the station problems arising and it 's nasty to be involved and in those days I 've travelled on a Saturday afternoon often .
7 I wonder if that washing 's done , let's have a look , I have to go out in the shed and get the erm no its not er , its not finished yet
8 Rather we are looking at those beliefs , supported by significant power bases within each bloc , which have won out in the political process in the past seventy years and still appear to be doing so , in some cases with much decreased vitality .
9 You want to stand out in the assessor 's mind but not as an insensitive bully trying to throw your weight around .
10 Stressing that members " who have come out in the open face a serious risk of arrest and detention " , Aford urged the international community " to sustain diplomatic and moral pressure on the Malawian government to respect human rights " .
11 Gon na have to start changing up the hundreds cos we 've run out in the bank .
12 I think if we if we if we did actually look around long and hard rather than superficially at what we 've got out in the yard , then it 's ever so easy to criticize .
13 Very few of the proposals that we have set out in the preceding sections will be successful unless Britain is prepared to work in partnership within the Community .
14 In 1967 the government accepted many of the economic principles we have set out in the last two chapters .
15 This is a formidable task even for a human navigator , but as we have found out in the past few years , the bees ' trigonometric adjustments are perfectly mindless , depending only on a memory of the Sun 's azimuth relative to the bee 's goal on the previous trip ( or day ) and an extrapolation of the Sun 's current rate of azimuth movement .
16 I am very pleased we have come out in the shape we have .
17 The prize at stake is immense , but Leeds have five players walking a disciplinary tightrope and they risk missing out in the champions ' league if they collect a second caution .
18 No eye pitied thee , to do any of these things unto thee ; but thou wast cast out in the open field in the loathesomeness of thy person …
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