Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 I want one mark for the pantomime and one mark for the character
2 ‘ As I said , I accept full responsibility for the accident .
3 I should like to make it clear to the House that I accept full responsibility for the actions taken in this case by officials of the Home Office and by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , who dealt with it .
4 I can not say I feel any enthusiasm for the result .
5 erm , I do voluntary work for the Brook Advisory , er through the peer educators and that has been very erm beneficial for for myself and for the work that er , we do with
6 I did find the discussion interesting and illuminating , er it 's gon na be a difficult task and I think that task for the County Council and certainly three of the district councils , starts on Monday afternoon .
7 PAMELA : I reject this proposal for the same reason .
8 I take full responsibility for the actions and policies of my Chancellor , ’ he said .
9 I reach that conclusion for the following reasons .
10 Because I have such regard for the right hon. Gentleman , it makes me all the more discontented to disagree with him about the proposition of permanent or automatic timetables .
11 I have one message for the whole primary health care team and it is : take chest pain or chest discomfort seriously ; if you make a mistake when the diagnosis is hiatus hernia nobody will mind very much ; the other way round you risk lives .
12 For example , with resistors I have one compartment for the resistors having a black multiplier band , another for the resistors having a red multiplier , another for those with an orange multiplier code , and so on .
13 Actually , though , I have little enthusiasm for the venture .
14 I have tremendous regard for the efforts that senior management have put into the transformation of AEA . ’
15 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
16 I have great sympathy for the police .
17 I have great respect for the Monarchy and Parliament . ’
18 I have great respect for the right hon. and learned Gentleman .
19 If the modern world no longer has room for Punch , I 'm not sure that I have any room for the modern world .
20 But I have some sympathy for the institutions ' view that their duty is to their policyholders and they can not be expected to double up as company regulators .
21 I have some sympathy for the Home Secretary in these matters , he is not an Officer of State who over-occupies the position for whom I normally have a great deal of sympathy I must confess , er but on this occasion I do have some sympathy .
22 Almost that , and I want to say that I have some sympathy for the lady who has children and just could n't entertain them for the day .
23 Now I have considerable respect for the House of Commons ' Environment Committee but I think on this occasion they must have been tired and emotional when they wrote that .
24 So , in the short term I see little hope for the newcomer or success for the organic smallholder .
25 In the first stage , I see extensive privatisation for the service sector — restaurants , shops , little businesses , etc .
26 ‘ Every time I look at it I see some detail for the first time — a tiny insect on a stone , a bird half hidden by foliage , a shadow which yesterday escaped me .
27 We are fortunate in producing directly or supplying ingredients for products which provide good value for the consumer .
28 The train was hauled by BR Standard 75069 , and was formed of five goods brakevans comprising one LMS , one SR , one GWR ‘ Toad ’ and two BR Types of van which give ample space for the party of 43 that were carried , the majority of whom had travelled up from the Bath-Bristol area by coach .
29 A formal dance , a funeral , a day out on the beach , a working day in the bank , on the building site or in the hospital — all these situations are governed by norms which specify appropriate attire for the occasion .
30 Eager to hound down deals with users of the major databases , the company is laying low with Accell/TP on its Unify 2000 database for the time being .
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