Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [verb] [adv] a few " in BNC.

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1 I shall deal mainly with the latter subject , but I intend to spend just a few minutes on education .
2 I hope to meet quite a few of them , ’ she said yesterday .
3 But I do get quite a few people phone me as you know asking for information .
4 I 've run up a few debts myself , you know !
5 I mean I 've filled in a few forms for them but I mean probably you 're a passive owner like me in the sense that I do n't go and actively trade them , er I keep them in a long term investment , and that 's it .
6 Great that we 're making a few bob at last ; I 've bunged down a few more ideas for old Clash songs we could flog to various fee-paying customers .
7 I 've seen quite a few er in the so well you see we belong wi the Guild is fit into three tiers .
8 I 've done quite a few ads , the latest Marmite ad is mine and now I 've got the part in Brookside which is great , I 'm really enjoying it .
9 He said : ‘ I 've done quite a few police jobs and appeared in front of the Royal Family .
10 I 've met quite a few during the past five years , ’ he agreed smoothly .
11 I know down at Evans I 've noticed quite a few things in there , there are different
12 I 've roughed out a few questions but they 're only a guide . ’
13 I 've jotted down a few details , numbers and so on .
14 I mean the number of times , Alan , I 've read quite a few
15 I 've had quite a few patients .
16 I 've had quite a few .
17 I 've I 've had quite a few nicknames .
18 I 've pulled out a few press cuttings as well whilst I was looking through some of the for this talk .
19 No , well I 've meet quite a few since and they 're alright , they come and they go , but , I do n't know
20 I 've changed quite a few things
21 I 've tried quite a few times but mine are never any good . ’
22 I 've used quite a few buckets of water washing walls .
23 Well , er I 've got quite a few comments but I 'll ask
24 So my said , Ooh you know what if it does n't you you know you 'd have none for next term sort of thing I said well I 've got quite a few for next term still .
25 Erm if I give you a ring about Sunday or so I will have sorted out cos I 've got quite a few to sort out at the moment .
26 erm right in the book and other ones I 've read , cos I 've also got , well I 've got quite a few journals with
27 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
28 There are few people who came to know Harold Macmillan who do not have some anecdote about him , and I am fortunate in that having interviewed him at length twice , as well as running into him on a number of other occasions , I have garnered quite a few .
29 As the current Gogarth guidebook heads towards halfway in its lifespan and a reasonable number of new routes are being climbed , I have rounded up a few corrections and other snippets that are applicable to the existing routes .
30 In view of the interest shown in the last issue of the Journal , No. 11 , on the Liverpool Overhead Railway tickets , I have dug out a few more interesting examples for the 12th issue .
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