Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [conj] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I believe that at one time he was the Prime Minister 's press officer and , indeed , worked in his office .
2 But er I believe that at one time people from the islands settled in some of the farms for the East Mainland whether there 's a similarity in the matter of table or heard and all these sort of things .
3 I believe that at this time St. Martin 's Boys School offered a good education within the financial limits available .
4 McAllister did not quite know how to answer him , and said slowly , ‘ I suppose that at some time or other we all sell ourselves for something . ’
5 I think that in due time the British people will want to know a bit more than that .
6 The Irish Bank Officials ’ Association , over the years , has made a tremendous contribution to the welfare of its members and we know that in recent times IBOA has been engaged in many struggles to protect those terms and conditions .
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