Example sentences of "[pron] [noun prp] have [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 To which Widnes have countered with three pages of questions to League headquarters , demanding answers .
2 It opened the way for the transformation of the European system which Germany had dominated since 1871 .
3 The native peoples of Siberia were allowed to go on benefiting from the reforms which Speranskii had introduced in 1822 ; in this area " there was no sustained programme of enforced Russification or even christianisation " .
4 That sudden movement , slight as it was , jerked away the stone which Chignell had placed behind one of the wheels .
5 Much depends on the respective cost of reinsurance which TI has secured for 1992 and NCM has just purchased in December 1991 .
6 On July 25 the federal government approved the Slovak government 's decision to go ahead with the Gabcikovo hydroelectric project , originally part of a joint Hungarian-Czechoslovakian scheme from which Hungary had withdrawn in 1989 [ see p. 37048 ] and to put the power station into operation from October as " a temporary measure " .
7 It would , it must , be easy to check in Robinson 's diary an occasion on which Ash had breakfasted at 30 Russell Square with a professor of mathematics , a political thinker ( Bagehot ? ) and a reclusive lady who knew about , who wrote , or proposed to write , poetry .
8 In later years , Noel was from 1907 the organizing secretary of the Church Socialist League , which Maurice had founded in 1906 .
9 Amnesty International urged the government to put into practice the provisions of the 1984 UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel , Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [ see pp. 33618-19 ] , which Austria had ratified in 1987 .
10 Other campaign issues were the territory 's economic problems and the proposal to seek readmission to the European Communities ( from which Greenland had withdrawn in 1985 — see pp. 33001-02 ; 33592 ) .
11 But none are more deeply affected than the PSI , which Craxi had headed since 1976 .
12 Armand Roy , were to be deployed in 10 observation posts on both sides of the " walls of sand " which Morocco had built since 1981 to enclose the two-thirds of the Western Sahara which was under its control .
13 The English Schools Trophy is effectively the schoolboy F A Cup , played for by about two hundred district teams throughout the country , and ending with a two legged final , at which Oxford have appeared on four different occasions ; the earliest back in nineteen O eight , and the most recent in nineteen seventy four , when unfortunately , as with all the previous three , we were defeated , on that occasion by Manchester boys , yet er the home leg was played in front of a crowd of twelve thousand people , which was the highest recorded crowd at the Manor that season .
14 ( The folly of the supposition is shown by the fact that , by 1980 the machinery which Poland had acquired in 1970 had become obsolete . )
15 ( They were thus represented in Maynard Keynes ' Economic Consequences of the Peace , which Pound had read by 1920 . )
16 So we have the basic pattern of mutual interpretation , each performance of the ritual interpreting the others , which Eliot had examined in 1913 .
17 So it seems to me that what Williamson has shown in one particular case is clear evidence of punctuation , but no reasons at all that I can see for supposing that the mechanism of change was any other which Darwin described over a hundred years ago .
18 In a critical article written several years ago , Townsend concluded by reminding his readers what Tawney had written in 1913 .
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