Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun pl] [be] the same " in BNC.

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1 Its reported net earnings are therefore lower than the reported nil earnings of firm A even though its taxable earnings are the same .
2 Making the characteristic impedances of the constant-k and m-derived filter sections identical also ensures that their critical frequencies are the same .
3 He did it again when , leaving her question hanging , he stepped closer , studied her scraped-back hairstyle , then , without so much as a by-your-leave , whipped her glasses from her nose — the better , it seemed , to check that her green eyes were the same green he had looked into during the early hours of Sunday morning .
4 Both these books are very similar , their main themes are the same ; that with the support and love of other women they overcame their oppressors and emancipate themselves .
5 Farmers whose premium rights are the same as the number of ewes in their 1993 claim can not transfer any quota , ’ the ministry added .
6 I feel again that it 's a lot of our actual customers are the same people coming like we had in Allerton
7 This means that your monthly payments are the same for 12 months at a time , unlike the standard variable rate , which goes up and down as base rates change .
8 Your legal rights are the same when you buy mail order as from a shop .
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