Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I hobbled my shameful way from First Buttress North on Lundy as the sun 's last rays winked over the darkening sea ( and last orders for food were being called at the island 's only pub ) after tumbling from the very last move of the 90ft first pitch of Road Runner .
2 It had been a melancholic day , although Winston Churchill had at last been called into the War Cabinet , gracing its inaugural meeting as First Lord of the Admiralty .
3 If this were to happen in the case of the CAB , they would have lost their primary purpose as first tier advisory agencies ; there would be duplication of effort , waste of public money and , in all probability , deterioration in the quality of specialised advice provided . ’
4 Their father never opened their front door without first pulling on his coat , no matter what state he was in , and none of the boys were ever allowed to admit a visitor while they or anyone else was in a state of undress .
5 As a result of the transfer of surpluses from , and votes of , DUP and Unionist candidates VUPP gained one more seat than their single quota of first preference votes would suggest .
6 However , Shreeves 's departure could mean Venables taking a more active part in team affairs , with Doug Livermore possibly promoted from his current position as first team coach .
7 Lawrence thought Slaven had had a remarkable game bearing his seven-week lay-off from first team football .
8 ( It is worthy of note at this stage that Harris never received his full complement of aircraft and in the final days of the Bomber Offensive his maximum strength of first line aircraft was only 1,625 of which 200 were Mosquitos , ) in one of my Staff College lectures .
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