Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lennox also hit back at critics , who claim he should have avoided the dangerous Ruddock and hidden himself away for a world title shot , snapping : ‘ I know the British fight fans will respect me for going in against the best instead of facing an easy touch .
2 In November 1974 , it was he who talked me into going along for the audition for ‘ New faces ’ at the Blue Angel nightclub in Leeds .
3 I suppose it must have been because a string of boyfriends seemed quite willing to spend their last penny on her before going off to the front .
4 So the salt you can remember it through going back to the acid plus alkali reaction , it 's the same one you get there .
5 To try and get to it by going round outside the garden wall meant ploughing through waist-high nettles and clumps of bramble .
6 C : what about going down by the — the Firth of Forth
7 The withdrawal of privileges is a very popular response by parents to non-compliance — for example : ‘ You 've been cheeky so I wo n't let you go out ’ ; ‘ You disobeyed me by going out on the road so you ca n't have that ice-cream . ’
8 It was the last of his nightly chores and he looked around once more to make certain that he had not forgotten anything before going up to the room where his young wife was resting .
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