Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] the first [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's what everybody sings to me when them and they meet me for the first time or get introduced to me .
2 Nigel turned his head to look at me for the first time and smiled in a kindly manner .
3 ‘ Millions of people travel to the region every year many of them for the first time and we want to make sure that the lasting impression they take with them is a good one . ’
4 No movement , no luck With a silent curse he extricated himself from the first trap and moved on to the next
5 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
6 He did n't , he did n't wan na go out you , you in the first place and he just did n't bother to tell , tell anybody
7 We rattled them from the first minute and did n't give them any breathing space .
8 We all like ‘ to do right ’ by our horses and this often involves the over-feeding of supplements , either because the horse does n't need them in the first place or because we tend to think ‘ a little bit extra will do him even more good ’ .
9 David does n't want them in the first place and he wo n't argue , I 've discussed it with Robin he wo n't argue , erm Richard who 's the only one that could really be regarded as a loser dare n't argue 'cos it 's his report that recommends we they come back to us , and John wo n't understand the item so I think we 're alright there .
10 Okay so now suppose you have Florence as the first noun in T three and herself no do it the other way round , suppose you had herself as the first noun and T three Florence okay then you 'd find Florence does C command herself but it should n't
11 Teachers would come up smiling — not having spoken to me since the first year and now I was a sixth former .
12 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
13 I could then have pretended to notice him for the first time and have engaged him in conversation in an impromptu manner .
14 It was then that she really saw him for the first time and the blood began to sing in her ears .
15 When she said this she looked full at him for the first time and ill though she seemed he saw in her eyes the full pride and command of an eagle .
16 He looked at her for the first time and saw the tears on her cheeks that were glistening in the starlight .
17 The precautionary principle suggests that , as the future damage done by pollution is often more costly than the extra expense of avoiding it in the first place and in any case it is often unacceptable , even if a money cost ca n't be put on it , then prevention is better than cure .
18 One returns to a half-dug hole as to a part-written love-letter , wondering why you started it in the first place and doubting whether it will ever be completed .
19 Hence the modern Oedipus complex is not wholly explicable by reference to the modern family ( and therefore not controvertible by reference to modern family arrangements which allegedly do not feature it ) , but rather to both the individual 's actual family circumstances , and to the inherited and culturally transmitted conditions of the species which produced it in the first place and which determined its particular expression .
20 The complaints must be made to the police themselves in the first instance and all subsequent investigations are undertaken by police officers .
21 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
22 He speaks directly to us in the first person and he expresses something very like fear and even self-pity , the distress of the poet , seeing himself as a kind of natural victim , and it may be the distress of the puritan living on after the Restoration and afraid of the wild route , which is Charles the Second 's court , though I think we can be a little sceptical of this and we certainly do n't know with sufficiently accuracy when Paradise Lost was written .
23 ‘ Villa totally outclassed us in the first half and we were extremely lucky only to be a goal down .
24 Er , yes , it 's a requirement for the actual length of the contract on us in the first place but the second point is that , in the tender documents , we 've actually asked all the contractors to price all the different permutations , whether it 's seven cuts , eleven cuts , hundred millimetres or a hundred and fifty millimetres .
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