Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] to [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I prefaced my response to this question with the comment that I had no knowledge of the relationship of support for these two projects .
2 My attitude to another body of reference which will be addressed in Chapter 2 is different .
3 But on my recent visit to Ghana I found that my attitude to everyday life in Africa had changed radically — mainly because I was not working on a project whose usefulness I doubted , trying to achieve things and getting frustrated .
4 So , when the house is full , and my husband 's away , and I give up my room to some guest like your Rainbow 's Aunt Goldie — I spend the night in my father 's study , and reading all the texts that were n't written for the eyes of women .
5 My reaction to this submission of Mr. Glick is to confess ( to some extent ) and yet to avoid .
6 I will always sing of this winter , and your laughter , and of my journey to that land in the warm forest , away from this cold place of bird spirits . ’
7 In fact , in the middle of one night they came and moved my bed to another part of the hospital without saying a word to me .
8 My solution to this problem during early circuits was deliberately to make a steep slipping turn into wind to ensure a high airspeed ( Fig. 5.14 ) .
9 I am much pleased with my visit to this portion of Australia which will be attended by very important results regarding the Geographical range of species besides many new ones . ’
10 As notified at the nine months , however , General Accident has now withdrawn from non-marine treaty business having significantly reduced its exposure to that section of the London Market earlier in the year .
11 Concern was expressed on behalf of those people in magistrates courts who were unaware of their legal rights and their entitlement to legal aid in certain criminal cases .
12 Now there is a general consensus in the Netherlands that Britain is an economic backwater , and that Thatcher really ca n't be taken seriously — due in no small part to her resistance to British assimilation into the European Community .
13 Apart from these relatively rare exceptions in the biographical sources , moreover , one ought to mention a clause contained in the kanun of 1006/1598 whereby kadis without question kasabat kadis are forbidden to become muderrises in the a provision which would effectively block their route to high office in the learned profession .
14 Their exposure to instant recall of their liabilities is tolerable because the Bank of England stands ready to assist them in time of a shortage of liquidity .
15 The fundamental issue at stake here was not the merits or otherwise of the League , but whether the peace movement should lend its support to any reconstruction of security arrangements short of the total renunciation of the use of force .
16 Instead of self-confident assertions whose utterance actually enacts the superiority that is claimed , and which make it possible to identify with ‘ the master race ’ , as being and having everything that the subject races lack , we have discourses which resort to all manner of rhetorical devices to construct a narrative of special pleading marked by highly ambiguous and ironic self-reference and a litany of real or imagined grievance .
17 There was a time , just after Britain and China signed in 1984 their Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong , when the colony looked forward with high hopes to the 50 or more years of capitalist autonomy which both parent-governments had promised would follow its reversion to Chinese sovereignty in 1997 .
18 All the indignities he had suffered since their abduction to this rock of a planet would be avenged .
19 Mr Connolly was speaking after a meeting of his committee at which he and members reaffirmed their opposition to any form of water privatisation — including the introduction of a franchise system .
20 Some delegations have indicated their opposition to this approach on the grounds that , under their legal systems , the consequences of nullity of the contract are non-contractual in nature .
21 And they will celebrate their elevation to senior speedway by riding against world stars like Sam Ermolenko , Jeremy Doncaster and Simon Wigg .
22 There are commercial pressures , the changing face of the sport itself , its vulnerability to uninformed judgement from without .
23 If , for example , a man threatens to kill a third party who is a complete stranger to the complainant , her submission to sexual intercourse in these circumstances can hardly be regarded as true consent .
24 The Phoenix Guard may increase their armour to heavy armour at a cost of +1 point per model .
25 Little did they know that French , together with hard-working ARFU executive Bob Fordham , had been working for over 12 hours attempting to salvage the Wallaby tour after pre-tour conditions , such as the non-playing of national anthems , were inexplicably ignored at Ellis Park the previous day when South Africa celebrated its return to international rugby against the All Blacks .
26 Breastfeeding speeds up its return to normal size after birth .
27 Unisys Corp has taken another step in its return to fiscal probity with an upgrading of its debt from Moody 's Investors Service Inc , which moved the senior unsecured debt rating up to Ba3 from B1 , the subordinated debt to B2 from B3 and the preferred stock to b3 from ca .
28 Another major example of early Labour 's basic perception of The Family was its attitude to protective legislation for women .
29 This is the point where a number of difficult areas converge : society 's ambivalence about sexuality and people with learning difficulties ; a tradition of segregation ; a lingering concern about eugenics ; a shameful history of ( enforced ) sterilisation ; a proper concern about vulnerable children ; and their right to due protection from neglect and abuse — set against an increasing recognition that people with learning difficulties should enjoy the same rights to an ordinary life in our society as anyone else , including the rights to be parents .
30 The 1991 Crime Bill would virtually end the federal courts ' power to hear appeals by death row prisoners and cancel their right to legal representation at these appeals .
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