Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] for [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was all my fault for underestimating the route and our stamina , so I took her sack and helped her stagger down the snowfield and moraines to the path .
2 But the other two were my fault for changing the bike .
3 My condition for accepting the invitation to participate in a debate on IQ was that I be shown in advance any press release advertising the debate , for I feared being misrepresented .
4 They killed them and then used their blood for baking the Passover bread .
5 Nonetheless , the Conservatives are still pressing on with their plans to stand in all 17 constituencies in Northern Ireland and to give the electorate the chance to accept or reject their programme for governing the country .
6 If she did n't like it then it was her fault for rocking the boat .
7 Public examination statistics have regularly been collected although difficulties of establishing comparability over time , and across different examination boards and subjects , have reduced their usefulness for assessing the performance of the education system as a whole .
8 How could she separate the reality of John Latimer 's war from the thin gruel of romantic rubbish with which she had always associated these lighthearted , devil-may-care young pilots , with their positively foolhardy absence of nerves and their propensity for turning the Battle of Britain into something resembling a schoolboy jape !
9 One way of viewing the significance of psychoanalytic theories is to conceptualize the unconscious as productive of irrationalities and resistances which simultaneously organize and subvert the operations of conscious subjectivity ( Craib , 1989 ) ; hence their relevance for transforming the rationalism which underlies the pedagogies of both multiculturalist and antiracist educational practices .
10 Mrs Blanchard 's already told Mr Coombs of her plan for reducing the budget deficit .
11 Miss Knox 's solicitor Rosemary Nelson praised her courage for taking the case and said she hoped who would offer encouragement to other women in a similar position .
12 Firstly , the development of the Anglo-American civil aviation relationship in the troubled context of the 1980s and early 1990s will be explored and some assessment of its importance for determining the character of the world 's overall aviation system will be given .
13 Certainly , for all their passion for fighting the South Saxons were men of the land .
14 THE LABOUR leadership suffered an embarrassing rebuff when lesbian and gay rights activists won a conference endorsement of their demand for cutting the age of homosexual consent from 21 to 16 .
15 " After which it was moved by Mr. James Bogle Smith seconded and unanimously resolved that the Court are of opinion that the School at Stockport should be discontinued and that the Court approves generally of the suggestions submitted to their consideration for discontinuing the School and refers the matter to the Standing Committee to open such communication with the Corporation of Stockport and the Master of the School as they may consider it desirable to make , with a view to carry the suggested plan into effect . "
16 The fact that those practices which became fundholders had a history of referring patients across district boundaries to a greater extent than the controls in our study may provide an indication of their motivation for joining the scheme .
17 That evening , in the hall , Mariot entertained them with songs , accompanied by the harp , to their enjoyment ; although Ramsay qualified his rapture by some regret that , there being insufficient room in their ingle-neuk for playing the harp , she had to perform outside it , and he was deprived of the nearness which he found so much to his taste .
18 Their concern for protecting the environment goes that far .
19 Their reason for perpetuating the memory of the Flood was most probably magical .
20 True enough but , as I shall argue below , AI is not an experimental science but an engineering technique or , if you want something more dignified , a practical task in the alchemical tradition , and what I have to say about its suggestiveness for investigating the nature of consciousness rests entirely on that fact .
21 Generally , they have been welcomed : their potential for enriching the curriculum is widely acknowledged .
22 Given that these indicators already exist for Local Authorities , it is surely indefensible to fail to explore their potential for improving the equity of resource allocation , and perhaps surprising that they have not yet been incorporated in the formulae for assessing GRE .
23 In consequence , the burgeoning nineteenth-century penal and criminal justice system was aimed at these socially ‘ dangerous classes ’ simply because of their potential for contesting the power of the state and those in control .
24 Then Messrs. Gwynne 's proposal for equalizing the strain on each inidividual rope by means of connected Hydraulic Rams is most satisfactory , as also is their suggestion for actuating the lift up gates by means of Hydraulic pressure utilising the engine for pumping up the accumulator .
25 When the absurdly naive theatricals by which the clerks seek to cloak their scheme for preventing the miller 's stealing — which has increased from the " curteis " to the " outrageous " with the illness of their college 's manciple — reveal their design to him , he determines to steal yet more , out of pride , and out of his own version of measure for measure , but not out of covetousness : As soon as the two clerks can stop and consider the trick that has been played on them , we see that the miller 's action , motivated by his pride , hits directly at the pride of the clerks : Another offence to John 's pride leads him later to attempt to bed the miller 's wife , hearing the success of Alayn with the daughter ( 4199 – 209 ) .
26 Following acceptance by the client of the findings of the systems exercise , and their value for focussing the direction of College developments , it was then necessary to provide some pragmatic advice about the new grades , salaries and groupings that would be required once the Act was implemented .
27 Its value for indicating the population composition of local areas towards the end of any decade is strictly limited , while by definition its value for monitoring change during the inter-censal period is nil .
28 She pretended to agree , suspecting that her time for trying the landlady 's leniency would be next .
29 President Ishaq has made a dignified statement about his enthusiasm for upholding the constitution .
30 Sometimes Papert 's writings and his enthusiasm for changing the structure of education seem to place him in affinity with such educational radicals as Ivan Illich and Everett Reimer , but this is misleading .
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