Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] from time to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons are the same ; the valleyside torrents are checked when they reach the main valley floor and aggradation takes place , the fan shape usually resulting from the stream shifting its course from time to time .
2 Indeed , all that remains today of the old inherent rights are the power to control the method of carrying out the functions which Parliament from time to time give to the local authorities and the power to make rules as to the conduct of the meetings of the local authority .
3 All amphibians shed their skin from time to time , but because the burrowing frog remains immobile once it is inside its burrow and cocoon formation has begun , the successive layers of shed skin remain attached to each other .
4 Jeff does a bit of work on their boat from time to time .
5 All these uneasy feelings that were at the back of her mind from time to time .
6 For one thing , her subject was in itself appealing to most of the girls , or at least intermittently so ; they enjoyed watching crystals grow , and weighing small things on small scales , and making little bits of sodium whizz round saucers of Water , so they quite voluntarily offered her their attention from time to time .
7 A stoical metronome , she moves only to brush a hand across her brow from time to time .
8 Ana seemed to pick up the vibes very quickly and tagged along with Mitch , laughing at his humour , turning her head from time to time in Maggie 's direction as if she could hear steam coming from her ears .
9 I agree that it would if I constantly compared her with my current partner , or wistfully mentioned her name from time to time .
10 FIMBRA was entitled at its discretion from time to time to make spot checks on companies subject to its regulatory umbrella and therefore the details of the businesses carried out by the company might at any time have become known to it .
11 Yes , that 's one of the blessing of people not parking so much down the road now , they do n't empty out their ashtrays and their junk from time to time .
12 Over the years , although never establishing a close friendship with the Profumos , I have had an admiring acquaintance with both of them and am happy to see that their marriage was not ruined by this solitary episode and distressed indeed by its revival from time to time by creatures animated solely by greed .
13 She gave me Zdenka 's German address and asked if I could at least write to her daughter from time to time to keep her spirits up .
14 It has also to be recognized that all owners may need to make alterations and improvements to their property from time to time .
15 She became close to both women and , although she still saw her mother from time to time and still has a very strong relationship with her that has not been diminished by the divorce , a special bond was forged with the two older women .
16 He left his village and went to live in a deserted tomb ; an obliging friend locked him inside and brought him bread from time to time .
17 Would he be content to leave her in charge of Thomas and merely check on his progress from time to time , or might he endeavour to wield control in her — his — their son 's life ?
18 ‘ Even the arrogant swine Luke Denner needs to put his case from time to time ! ’
19 His closed fist shot to his mouth from time to time , followed by a few slow chews .
20 He was assisted in his work from time to time by Samuel Holmes , a graduate of Magdalene College , Cambridge , who hoped to succeed him , but in fact on 27th July 1683 Timothy Dobson , of Jesus College , Cambridge , was appointed .
21 Between 1949 and 1954 much of his spare time had been given to poetic scribbling ; and he was also giving voice to a measure of vacillation and disillusionment , which we shall encounter in his poetry from time to time .
22 He cut a dashing figure at the many conferences he addressed , raising his hand from time to time to stroke his dark curly locks as he poured out pure reason in soft well-modulated tones with a sincerity that was almost painful .
23 ‘ Mo is the type of character who needs an arm around his shoulder from time to time and a wee pat on the back to keep him going .
24 Phat escorted them , scowling and flailing their shoulders with his cane from time to time to speed their progress .
25 So now he lay on his back and thought of nothing and took his pulse from time to time .
26 they 're gon na make you 're gon na spend nearly a fiver sending all that out to people and really we should be encouraging people to be members and not to just give us money from time to time .
27 If we do not review our knowledge from time to time it becomes lost to us and we find ourselves thinking within a shrinking field .
28 Vary your cycle from time to time to maintain impact .
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