Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] have be [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I do not claim to be comprehensive in what follows , rather my aim has been to assess some of the main features of kin support in the past which have particular relevance to the central theme of this book — how important are duty , obligation and responsibility in motivating the support which people give to their relatives ?
2 I am by training and profession an historian ; my role has been to collect these documents , to present and elucidate them , to attempt to show their meaning and limitations , according to traditional historical methods .
3 Well it certainly is but er I 've grown potatoes myself for years and never had any trouble with them boiling into the water but this year I can not get a good potato , all of my usual favourites like Estima which I 've found is a usually good all round potato , it it 's a monkey for boiling into the water and one thing I can only assume is that the weather 's had a lot to do with it , my ground 's been waterlogged most of the season .
4 One result of my illness has been to change all that : When you are faced with the possibility of an early death , it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do .
5 My task had been to help these women to realise their own strengths and to speak out for themselves with courage and dignity .
6 My task has been to reconsider some of those complicated but always significant histories wherein differences conflict and converge as desire itself .
7 It was a shirt exactly like the one her singer had been wearing that night , as he swaggered among the women , and whispered ‘ Me quieres ? ’ to them all .
8 If she had ever thought much about the future , I think she would have seen her mother sitting in a chair by the fire , knitting ; after all , her father had been dying all her life .
9 They will have to prove to the Society that at least 15 minutes of their music has been played each year — fine enough for those who write lengthy pieces , but much more difficult for those who are at heart and in practice miniaturists .
10 The Havards arrived at The Kilns , Maureen played tennis with them , swam with them and provided them with the sandwiches and cakes which she and her mother had been preparing all day .
11 ‘ You can have too much of anything , ’ was Gay 's sage rejoinder , ‘ and I rather think her mother 's been overdoing this entertaining stunt .
12 Their design had been changed several times before they were finally erected .
13 His achievement has been to cross that hitherto unrepresented culture into the mainstream ; to disrupt the patina of early evening viewing simply by being himself .
14 She 'd found her way to Charlie through another of the contact magazines , back in the days when his wife had been handling that end of the business ; she 'd had to send along a photograph and that had gone a little against the grain — in all of her moonlighting so far , she 'd never let slip so much as her name — but everything had worked out well .
15 Nor did he reimburse Alistair for the lunch , though he did explain that his wallet had been emptied that morning — by which alcoholic , Sixsmith never established .
16 Although he was chary of broaching the subject of a full-time shepherd , when he did so , he found that his father had been giving some thought to the matter .
17 He thinks , by the sheer fact of not playing on something , his contribution has been to leave all the space for everybody else .
18 As she stopped a few feet away from them she saw that his cap had been knocked some distance from where he lay and the force of the blow , which had thrown him through the air , had dislodged his fountain pen from his pocket .
19 He had received numerous death threats from Sendero Luminoso and from the Rodrigo Franco Commandos since being elected in 1986 and had escaped three assassination attempts , and his house had been bombed several times in 1989 .
20 The very words ‘ modern art ’ still carry by themselves a charge strong enough to disturb , dishearten , or even repel , some before they 've read a line or listened to a note of whatever work has been given this label .
21 And under that stone your secret has been breeding another — a secret kept by your lover .
22 Sounds as though your pony has been spared these problems , but I do doubt you will see the black colour again .
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