Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [is] [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And it is the exciting part of my job is to make these links work , start to build on them , and over our links in the city on the environmental and group with Tony Benn , that 's that 's doing a very good job , he is a platform for this , for each other , but I think there 's a lot more we can do locally erm within the city to build those links , and to work together for better answers for the city , and I hope that , on a practical level , one of the things that interested me was your grants team for local organisations , and I would like to think myself here today , we might look at the health authority , and try to join with them to make some erm practical contribution , particularly to those many carers , and groups of people who have problems , and we 're not all just professionals best able to put over during our normal nine-to-five or eight-to-eight days , we we can .
2 Her job is to encourage more women to consider a career in engineering by making links with potential employers , engineers and , most importantly , looking at ways of increasing the number of women students applying for places on engineering courses .
3 The boss knows that his or her job is to establish those boundaries , and then get out of the way . ’
4 What is needed from you Congress is to fight these distortions and to take back the front page headlines and make sure that the headlines are accurate , fair and truthful .
5 Northern Cyprus now has an occupier whose crime is to protect those rights and whose chief affront to the majority is to remain there passively .
6 I can see that his aim is to make these scenes so powerful that they will go beyond any fictional treatment of the death camps that has ever been tried before : the train roils through the night , the outcome , although certain , appallingly delayed by the shots of the iron wheels and the crude pistons ; the final scene of the five chimneys pouring their shameful smoke over the polish countryside , intercut — this is my contribution — with the smoke rising from the savannah .
7 Zoo director Jo Gipps said : ‘ London Zoo will become an increasingly interesting and enjoyable place to visit and our aim is to attract more visitors by telling them that we are an exciting and relevant zoo of the future .
8 The vast majority of teachers are working extremely hard to achieve good results under the national curriculum and our aim is to get all schools up to the standards of the best .
9 Our job is to provide some activities so that people can then choose whether or not they want to be involved .
10 Our objective is to expose those treatments in orthodox medicine that have never been subjected to rigorous testing to prove their safety and effectiveness .
11 It is easy to get angry at some of the images produced in the name of sexual gratification and to imagine that the answer to our rage is to ban these images .
12 Our challenge is to balance these priorities : maximising Glasgow 's metropolitan strengths , while addressing the needs of its disadvantaged areas .
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